Saturday 27 April 2019

Motanka - Motanka(2019)

Recently passing on Napalm I satumbled upon this magestic song, it took me time to mature it in my head but it is really good. Heavy when it needs to be and melodic at the other times. a mix of heavy and traditional music. I leave you with Verba from the album coming about in June.

Saturday 20 April 2019

Voyager - Brightstar(2019)

I recently stumbled upon this guys on Season of Mist. The music I heard "Brightstar" gives me a vibe of Leprous/Rendevous Point with other parts more Brainstorm came to my mind. They alternate melodic parts, with others way more agressive, like what Leprous used us to. I really enjoyed this I must say.

Saturday 13 April 2019

SÂVER - They Came With Sunlight(2019)

This is one of those sound that I was about to skip it after the first two minutes, but than it easily kept my attention. As expected from Norwegian bands, this amused me a lot. Vibes of what in bands so different like Ulver, Borknagar, Leprous, Ihsahn. Some harsh and agressive sounds(the most one so far this year in the blog probably), alternating with others so pleasant. A good album to pay attention in near future. Musically irrepreensibl,  I leave you for now with "Dissolve to Ashes"

Saturday 6 April 2019

MORK - Det Svarte Juv(2019)

This song, might be the heaviest one in the recent times in my blog. It is in that frontier between what I can and enjoy to hear, and what starts to be too much for me. This guys, I enjoyed it. it has a dark vibe around the music "På Tvers Av Tidene" that for me is most of time senough to caught my attention. I think those who enjoy that feeling more doom metal, black metal, will surely enjoy this one.