Wednesday 4 June 2014

ProgCenter - Threshold 4/4 - March Of Progress (2012)

Today I will Post the last part of this 4 parts post about Threshold. March of Progress makes a major turning point for several reasons. I think this cover is something simply amazing. In my interpretation is like you're trying to catch something or someone beautiful and interesting that will give you joy, but your hands are tied/chained, so even if you try harder you will never catch what you wanted. In Threshold perspective the message is clear, when you have ideals, ideas and want to follow your decisions, you can't be chained to anything you need to open the chains and try to catch/achieve what you want.

One important thing changed from Dead Reckoning to March of Progress, has I have already said Andrew MacDermott quitted the band in 2007, because of a Kidney problem. Big Mac was readilly substituted for a previous vocalist of the band who entered the formation in 1992 but quitted in 1993, being Threshold vocalist in their first studio album, Wounded Land. As so Damian Wilson entered the band smoothly and fitting well the band.
 The band formation form 2009 to now, and crossing March of Progress is:

  • Karl Groom - lead guitars (1988–present)
  • Damian Wilson - lead vocals (1992-1993, 1996-1998, 2007–present)
  • Richard West - keyboards (1992–present)
  • Johanne James - drums (2000–present)
  • Steve Anderson - bass (2003–present)
  • Pete Morten - rhythm guitars (2007–present)

However in 2011 the band received some really bad news, Andrew MacDermott, got worse of his health condition and died with a kidney failure in August 3rd of that year, 2011. It left a feeling of sadness not only in the band, but in all the listeners of Threshold. Mac will always be remembered for all they've done to Threshold, for you to see how amazing is voice was, listen one of my all time favourite from Threshold - Avalon, from Critical Mass album(2002). Is one of my favourite songs, it gives me shivers, The pace is slow, but speeding, and some lines make you think

Returning to March of Progress, Damian Wilson fitted perfectly the band, The next post will be about another project Damian Wilson was involved, that will show you how good he is to. His voice however is different from Mac's voice, is I think heavier, stronger, but can't reach so well the lower notes, so some of the songs that had some doom atmosphere become less powerful with Damian, but allowed them to follow other lines. The music had some evolutions, that accompanied the entrance of Damian. The band knew how to adapt their sound to the new singer without loosing their identity.
The Track list form March of Progress is this one:

  1. "Ashes" – 6:51 (Groom/West)
  2. "Return Of The Thought Police" – 6:09 (Groom/West)
  3. "Staring At The Sun" – 4:25 (West)
  4. "Liberty, Complacency, Dependency" – 7:48 (Groom/West)
  5. "Colophon" – 6:00 (West)
  6. "The Hours" – 8:15 (West/Anderson)
  7. "That's Why We Came" – 5:40 (Wilson)
  8. "Don't Look Down" – 8:12 (Groom/West)
  9. "Coda" – 5:24 (Morten)
  10. "The Rubicon" - 10:25 (Groom/West)
  11. "Divinity" (Morten) - 3:08
My favorite one from the album is The Hours, made me think a lot, however, the whole album as all the ones before are all simply amazing, one can listen any album from the first to last track and can't feel tired.
 Enjoy the videoclip taken from this album, the videoclip was made for a fan made competition asked by Threshold, with some adaptation it became the band official video clip, Staring at the Sun:

This Album ends this Threshold Post, when the new album appears surely I will talk more of them, or if I just want to share any of Threshold songs, even from album I didn't talk about.
As I said the next post will be about another band that counted with several good names, one you can call a super project, with Damian Wilson, Dan Swano, Russel Allen, Arjen Anthony Lucassen and Floor Jansen. This will allow you to figure out of which band am I talking about.

Stay Tuned

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