Saturday 27 August 2016

Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane (2002)

Today I bring you my favourite album from Pain of Salvation, a lot of songs are just amazing in it
starting with the first song, which being small in duration has the progressive style in it, the facing of one growing to be something else: "Finding out at last that freedom is a state of mind"
is called of two beginnings, it's the first song
The second song is about meeting itself, thinking someone you saw is the one, but then realizing it was our former-selves we saw in the other person. This song has a touch of those old elements I talked last week, and adds some spokenword almost. It's called Ending Theme, cause it ends the searching realising he is not in love has he thought.
 Other I like a lot to is the 6th one, Undertow, here is a bit about loneliness and realising sometimes you need to try on your one, to try and to fail to feel how it feels, to feel real.

The fourth song I will talk about in this album is Chain Sling the 8th song on the album, this one talks a bit about denial, saying things and then trying to mend what's broken. And then the other says sorry is too late for that.

Finally  I will show you the 12th song of the album Second Love, where he denies love from now on, after a intense failed romance.

Remember that all here is my interpretation it might be wrong from what they want to say.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Pain of Salvation - Road Salt One (2010)

Hello metal fellas, sorry for not having post nothing in two weeks, but the heat was too much to be around the time enough to do something of interest. Today I bring you one album of a band which auto-proclaims itself as Regressive Metal, for incorporating older sounds in their progressive melodies. I first stumble upon this band because of the voice of Daniel Gildenlöw. This is the second Album I ever heard of them, and it is really worth it. I leave you with the first track of the album No Way