Saturday 29 April 2017

Blasted Mechanism - Avatara(2005)

Today I was hearing some songs, and thought to myself. Why did I never post on my blog about Blasted Mechanism, not being progressive have several songs with touches of it. And they were one of my own country obsessions for a long time. Blasted Mechanism, are a Portuguese band, which took a violent turn in 2008 with the departure of Karkow(the vocals)

Well but I'm here to talk to you about the album from 2005 Avatara. This album at the time was not so well received even by me, but it's the kind of album which grows with every audition, and even if you pass a time without hearing it, sooner or later you will want to hear it again.

The first Song which has an official video is called Blasted Empire feat Dj Nelassasin it features the band with a known Dj from here, the song full of rhythm and catchy lyrics are a wonderful start-up for this post.

The second song has also a official video-clip and is called Sun Goes Down, more melodic but also with rhythm, has some nuances pretty interesting

The third one I will talk is the 4th song of the album, was the first I was really addicted to when I first started hearing this album more properly. With a speed pace and with a power vibe all over it, I love this one. It's almost a manipulation of mind to dance if it makes sense.

Next is a song I came upon recently in terms of acknowledgement, which is called Enolough,  it's one of the songs I think is more complete on the album speed and power at some points, dynamic and then some more quiet ones, the progressive touch I talked about earlier.

The last one is my favourite, is Take That Shot, I really enjoy it, first the initial beat sets the mood for all the song, then a pretty rhythmic and melodic sound followed by revolt lyrics which make you think like:

I'll take that shot
I'll take that shot

You keep reminding me
Not to get the taste of it
Not to chew the best of it
Not to inhale it
Put it all together
And mix it with the artifact
And set your devil's loose

Maybe I will do a new post about other Blasted albums, maybe a best of or divided for Namaste(2003) and Sound in light/Light in sound(2007) lets wait and see.

Saturday 22 April 2017

Les discrets - Prédateurs(2017)

finally the new Les Discrets album is seeing the light of day, the album really is promissing, I enjoy it a lot, has the mark of Les Discrets for sure. It comes out 21st April, and I couldn't let it unoticed here on my blog. check the song for this new album called La Reproche

Saturday 15 April 2017

Anathema - Best Of(kind of)

Writting my last post, last week, I ralize I never posted anything about Anathema... Shame on me, my bad.
So Here I am to undo the msitake(as possible), contrary to what I usually do, I'm not deviding it by album, cause i don't know the albums so well as I would like so, I am showing you some of my favourite songs
Starting with the one which brought me to Anathema, One Last Goodbye, this song brings me tears is so emotionally well done. This song is from Judgement
Another song from Judgement I also enjoy is, Don't Look too far

Also showing you a song from their last released album, before the Optimist, called Distant Satellites, this is both the name of the song and the name of the album where this song appears.

A lot more I could be showing you, but What I will do now is showing you a live record, called Sort of Homecoming that is simply amazing, check it out to

Saturday 8 April 2017

Anathema - The Optimist(2017)

Greetings... Last week I had no time to come here, and didn't plan it on time as I should.
But in the upside I found some pretty nice things. one of them, a song from the new Anathema album called " the Optimist" what is a progressive metal/rock blog without talking about Anathema? they are back in with full power, with a touch of Alcest atmosphere, and they happen to have a tour together which sadly, doesn't pass in Portugal as normal.

The song Springfield is one of my favourite songs from Anathema so far, and they have a lot of amazing songs. check it out