Saturday 13 May 2017

Pyramaze - Contingent(2017)

As I said on last week, another band releasing a new album is Pyramaze, Contingent was released last 28th April to. Two songs were revealed already if it is needed later this year I will make an update with sings I like I didn't post here today.
The first song 20 Second Century is not one of my favourite Pyramaze songs of all time, something is missing for me, when compared to the last 3 albums even being each of them with different vocals(being the last one still the same on this record), I leave however this here so maybe you enjoy it.

Now the second song revealed I really really enjoy it, its called Kingdom Of Solace it has a lot of power and energy and made me want to hear again and again. Listen here: 

the third one revealed joins an interesting video with an amazing song, where Jonah Weingarten keyboard is a noted presence. I'm waiting for a enormous album

 Cheers and see you soon.

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