Saturday 16 March 2019

Cosmic Wolves (Demos 2019)

Today I stumbled upon a band clash for who would win a slot on Vagos Metal Fest this year, and doing so, I noticed I only knew Allamedah from the lot. I decided as such, to search the other bands, all the two people who follow me, may know I am not that fond of black or thrash metal, I hear it but not everything in those genres is my place. However this band caught my attention, more calm, melodic, more closer to what I seek in music. Coming from my country, Portugal, even better.

The first song I heard Rise of the Samurai, has the oriental style in it that immediately caught my eye, the music makes me remember something coming from the post metal/post rock genres, maybe something drinking close to Mono and those areas.

The Second song is a demo, is called Sakumi, and is different from the last one, in some moments made me remember of Les discrets or Alcest, still following some of what is heard in the post styles. I once again can connect the sound to Mono. I will follow this band for sure in the future. hope they can hang-on in a country not that much focused on this style of music.


  1. Muito obrigado pela review! Não conheciamos o teu blog, mas vamos estar atentos! Abraço!

    1. Gostei bastante do vosso som, do que ouvi dos vossos videos. Ficarei a espera demais. Não temos muitas bandas ou artistas dentro do género que voces fazem. Boa sorte para o futuro e que volte a postar algo feito por vós, seria muito bom sinal.
