Saturday 29 July 2017

Threshold - Legends Of The Shires (2017)

If You have been paying attention, You may know that Damian Wilson is no longer threshold's Vocalist, in a way I understand, if it's true that Damian has an amazing voice, the vocal range is not so big, Threshold were stuck in a sonority in the two albums with him, With the re-entrance of Glynn Morgan, they can approach new sonorities due to the more powerful voice Glynn has. The song already revealed made satisfied in a simple song we see more innovation than in the last 5 years, don't get me wrong I love March of Progress and For The Journey but in these albums I missed something else to go with the amazing regular prog, missed something powerful that Glynn or Andrew McDermott use to give us.
In this song Lost In Translation is noticeable a more powerful song, yet keeping the melody and the match with Glynn's voice, However some parts of the verses are yet constructed around Damian's voice and that is noticeable, if you hear you will notice what I'm saying. Nonetheless I really enjoyed this new song and I'm waiting for the new album.

I will post something more of this new album once it's released.

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