Saturday 1 October 2016

Poets of The Fall - Signs of Life (2005)

Hey folks. New Month old material, isn't that what people say? no? well this month will be 100% Poets of the Fall based. Why? because I posted last month their late work, but is their former material which brought me to this amazing band. Some say they sound like Muse, I don't agree, may have some similarities here and there in the songs, but nothing else.

This week will be about their first album Signs Of Life form 2005

It starts with an amazing rock song, with what I would call some progressive elements at some points, here we have "Lift"

Next I will show you the third song from this album, "Late Goodbye" which is simply amazing, slower pace than lift, more progressive elements and change of paces. This song was part of the game Max Payne 2

Next we have, a in the sixth song of the album, "Stay", another slow pace song, more for a romantic type, enjoy

Now enters the song which brought me to Poets of The Fall, the 11th song of the album, illusion & Dream, the song makes us wander through our wake dreams

The Last song is a sweet song, like a going to sleep one to end the album, It's called Sleep, aafter my introduction who would expect that?

Next Week we will go ahead to 2006's album, see you next week


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