Saturday 25 February 2017

Demons and Wizards - Touched by the Crimson King (2005)

This is the second and last album(for now I hope) of Demons and Wizards from 2005
the first song is a great beginning, Crimson King, you get who he is
Terror Train is about a Train who waked up and wants revenge from how he was treated, it's the official video from the album

the Gunslinger is my favourite you feel like you are in a new adventure of your own

Dorian is my favourite lyrics, mainly this part
If I stayed young
And the picture turned old
For That I would give everything 

The last song I'm showing you is Down Where I am, here another amazing lyrics, like

I fear my heart and fear my soul
And all the things that are unknown
There's a chance things will turn wrong my friend
Far too fast I'm losing ground
Well let's face it here it now
You're not welcome you should know

I fear my heart and fear my soul
Life goes on it surely will

Without me I wonder
Will I ever see light again?
Will I ever see light again?
Life goes on

I hope you enjoy all the album it is really worth it.

Saturday 18 February 2017

Demons and Wizards - Demons and Wizards (2000)

Today I bring you one of the albums I'm hearing the most in last weeks, a project arising from collaboration between Hansi Kursch from Blind guardian, and Jon Schaffer from Iced Earth.
The first song, Fiddler on the Green, it's about the reaper making a big mistake taking a boy and to correct it it takes the pair girl sooner too, you hear his regret in the song, it makes me remember Carry the Blessed Home emotions:


Oh I really did fail for the first time
Spoke the fiddler, poor old fiddler

The other song I will share with you is Poor man's crusade


Saturday 11 February 2017

A Naifa - Uma Inocente Inclinação para o mal (2008)

Uma Inocente Inclinação Para o Mal is my favourite A Naifa album here I will show you several songs and will translate to you the main parts of the songs for me. This album was All written by Aguardela using a Pseudonym only known publicly after his death

First song of the album is Feitio the Rainha, translates to Temper of a Queen

The chorus of the song
dei-te uso a mais
como deixar de o fazer
o que vai ser de ti
quando a mãezinha falecer
translate to:

Gave you too much use
How could I not do it
What will be of you
When dearest mother pass away

the second song I will show you is Na Página Seguinte, (In the next Page)

This song deserves to be all translated

amanhã serei (Tomorrow I will be)
jornais antigos (Old Newspapers)
doente de amor (Sick of Love)
fabriquei um romance (I will compose a romance)

amanhã morrerei (tomorrow I will Die)
em voz baixa (In low voice)
pequena de destino (Small in destiny)
no banco traseiro (In the back seat)
Ama com egoísmo (Love selfishly)
começarei por mim própria  (I will start with myself)
imagino-me mais alta (I imagine myself taller)
na página seguinte (In the Next Page)
 filha de cabeleireira (Daughter of an Hairdresser)
sinto-me sempre culpada (I always feel guilty)
a técnica minuciosa (The carefull technique)
nunca me serviu de nada (Was never of worth to me)
amanhã serei (Tomorrow I will be)
sem abrigo (Homeless)
banco de jardim (garden bank)
com vista para o mar (With sea sight )
amanhã morrerei (tomorrow I will Die)
lição de história (History lesson)
o corpo da criada (The maid's body)
ao serviço da casa (At home service)

third song will be the official song of this album, Esta Depressão que me anima(This depression which cheers me up)

The pre-chorus and chorus are like this
uma rima obsessiva (An obssessive rhyme)
indecente nas suas maneiras (indecent in it's manners)
desligado o motor do carro (turning off the car's motor)
as criadas tornavam-se indisciplinadas (The maids would misbehave)

vivo do que me dão (I lieve of it's given to me)
nunca falto às aulas de esgrima (Never miss the fencing classes)
e todos os dias agradeço a deus (And every day I thank god)
esta depressão que me anima(for this depression that cheers me up)

 the forth song I'm showing to you is Rapaz mal desenhado(badly drawn boy)

this is the translation of all lyrics
Gostei de o ter por cá (I enjoyed have you here)
O teu corpo delicado e quente (your body so delicate and warm)
Um rapaz mal desenhado (a badly drawn boy)
Obedecia-me cegamente (obeyed me blindly)

Um rapaz vestido de rapariga (a boy dressed like a girl)
Depois de tão belo começo (after so good of a start)
A dar-me a mão por baixo da mesa (giving me his hand below the table)
Eu bem sei que não o mereço (I know very well I don't deserve him)

Ambiciono coração (I grieve heart)
Perco a noção de subtileza (loose the notion of subtlety)
Sabes que nunca te encoragei (You know I never encouraged you)
Levanta-te e paga a despesa (stand up and pay the bill)

Não julgues que não tentei (don't think I never tried)
És pouco para tanto desejo (you're too few for so much desire)
E a toda a tua culpa (and it's all your fault)
Os embaraços em que me vejo (the embarrassment where I saw myself)
Um rapaz vestido de rapariga ( A boy dressed like a girl)
Depois de tão belo começo (after so good start)
A dar-me a mão por baixo da mesa ( giving-me his hand below the table)
Eu bem sei que não o mereço (I know very well I don't deserve him)

Ambiciono coração (I grieve heart)
Perco a noção de subtileza (loose the notion of subtlety)
Sabes que nunca te encoragei (You know I never encouraged you)
Levanta-te e paga a despesa (stand up and pay the bill)

 the last song will be Pequenos romances
The lyrics are:

queimei os pequenos romances (I burned the little romances)
da colecção coração de ouro (from golden heart collection)
só restava o nosso (only ours lasted)
sabias que não seria duradouro (you knew it wouldn't last)
rodeei-me dos teus objectos favoritos (I surrounded myself with your objects)
agora já não me sinto tão culpada (Now I don't feel so guilty)
organizei o remorso (organized the regret)
não encontrei absolutamente nada (didn't find a thing)
um dia é provável que te volte a amar (someday It is probably I will love you again)
mas espero que nesse dia (but hope in that day)
seja tarde demais (it will be too late)

Saturday 4 February 2017

A Naifa - Canções Subterrâneas(2004) and 3 Minutos Antes da Maré Encher(2008)

With the last week post I noticed I never Shared A Naifa with you, and being me form Portugal Is a big mistake of my own. So today and next week we will correct it. A Naifa is a project initiated in 2004 by a true Mastermind João Aguardela from Sitiados.Along João(in Bass) we had Luis Varatojo from Despe & Siga na guitarra e guitarra portuguesa, Mitó Mendes na voz e Vasco Vaz na bateria.

The first song I ever heard from them and the first I will share with you is from thier first album Canções Subterrâneas. Is called Musica, translates to Music.
I love the short Portuguese Guitar solo. The main Chorus
Flor a florir desmedida assim que te vi a rasgar a vida
Translates to 
 Flower blooming with no limits as long as I saw you tearing down life.
 The second song to share with you is Monotone, from 3 Minutos Antes da Maré Encher Album
For me this song is about the dormancy of our lives, only warmed by that song that passed in the radio once before and is still living in our heart and mind.
Here the chorus,
E esqueces essa canção que já não passa na rádio
Mas que vive secretamente dentro de ti.
Fechas a porta à chave com duas voltas e sais.
Translate to

And you forget that song which no longer is on the radio
But  that is secretly  living inside you
You close the door with two turns of the key and you leave.