Saturday 4 February 2017

A Naifa - Canções Subterrâneas(2004) and 3 Minutos Antes da Maré Encher(2008)

With the last week post I noticed I never Shared A Naifa with you, and being me form Portugal Is a big mistake of my own. So today and next week we will correct it. A Naifa is a project initiated in 2004 by a true Mastermind João Aguardela from Sitiados.Along João(in Bass) we had Luis Varatojo from Despe & Siga na guitarra e guitarra portuguesa, Mitó Mendes na voz e Vasco Vaz na bateria.

The first song I ever heard from them and the first I will share with you is from thier first album Canções Subterrâneas. Is called Musica, translates to Music.
I love the short Portuguese Guitar solo. The main Chorus
Flor a florir desmedida assim que te vi a rasgar a vida
Translates to 
 Flower blooming with no limits as long as I saw you tearing down life.
 The second song to share with you is Monotone, from 3 Minutos Antes da Maré Encher Album
For me this song is about the dormancy of our lives, only warmed by that song that passed in the radio once before and is still living in our heart and mind.
Here the chorus,
E esqueces essa canção que já não passa na rádio
Mas que vive secretamente dentro de ti.
Fechas a porta à chave com duas voltas e sais.
Translate to

And you forget that song which no longer is on the radio
But  that is secretly  living inside you
You close the door with two turns of the key and you leave.

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