Saturday 28 November 2015

Orphaned Land 1st Part - Sahara, El Norra Alila

Greetings. Today I bring you a band which is worth hearing any day, any month, any year.
I bring you Orphaned Land.

Orphaned Land are from Israel, but are in opposite way when compared to Amaseffer, cause Amaseffer show us biblical lyrics, the pursuit of Hebrews and their history. Orphaned Land Appeal's to Peace in in Middle East, criticize how the Palestine-Israel war is going. And Appeal to our senses that as the last album says, All is One
For the first part I will share songs from their first two albums, cause this two has a kind of sound that is not so easy to hear after these.
Their First Two Albums were

Sahara 1994
El Norra Alila 1996

 The songs from this 2 albums are more kind of profetic, a different tone to intertwine our thoughts about what's was, is and will ever happen in Middle East
From Sahara I leave you, "The Beloved's Cry" more of a romantic one, mixed with some religiosity content, this song is magic, mixing the sounds of the desert with the sounds of middle east culture. I would say something of what lacks sometimes in Western Cultural

From El Norra Alila I leave you, "The Evil urge", the version live is something amazing but I will leave that to a later moment, the studio version is still pretty interesting

Check also the Live version of this song which I personally prefer

 2nd part will arrive Wednesday, this Orphaned Land will have 4 parts, I don't want to mix the next albums in a single post cause some of the mystical power of them is lost.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Pyramaze 3rd Part - Desciples of The sun

After 2008's album Immortal, Matt Barlow as expected quitted, after a hiatus, Urban Breed from Bloodbound and Tad Morose was announced as the new vocalist. But the hesitation continued.
Soon It was announced their rhythmic guitarist quitted the band, Michael Kammeyer. Soon we understood Pyramaze was closer to end than to return with a new album

Terje Haroy
Jacob Hansen
That was when Jacob Hansen(producer of a lot of bands, and ex-Anubis Gate) was announced to replace Michael on Guitars and in 2014
Terje Haroy was anounced has the new vocalist

In 2015 a new album was announced Disciples Of the Sun, here the progressive metal style is evident, some rhythm and pace changes, all fits on this style now

Their first Song self-entitled from the album, Disciples of The sun

But my favourite ones are Battle of Paridas

And Back for More
I can't say yet much about this album, but it's not as strong as the other two, but is really enjoyable.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Pyramaze 2nd part - Immortal

Immortal has almost nothing in common with The Legend of the Bone carver, maybe the musicians who remain and the fantasy/mythological themes in songs
The first Fact that changes, and what changed was a lot is Lance King decided to part ways with Pyramaze, and so the vocalist was replaced... than you my ask, who took the vocals part on Immortal album from 2008? well it was:
Matt Barlow(Ex-Iced Earth)

Matt Barlow is famous for the fact of being Iced Earth vocalist for a long time. his voice has nothing from power metal basically, the progressive metal starts to make a stand here, the voice fits perfectly the new way the band sounds. Here he entered as guest, so we knew already he was going to leave the band afterwards.

In this album we have songs which are a scream of revival like year of the phoenix

We have a song about Mara, and how she controls our nightmares, Touched By The Mara

Then we have a powerful balad, once again Jonah Weingarten does his thing here, for me this is one of the most beautiful songs in metal, even more for the emotion all band transmits here

And also a Song based on mythology, Caramon's poem

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Lance King and David Readman Solo Albums

Greetings after the next part of Pyramaze post, I will share with you the solo album of Lance King, and also share with you the solo album of David Readman, ex-vocalist of Adagio

Starting with Lance King, here I leave you Awakening
From David Readman I leave you, Don't Let it Slip Away
and Take These Tears
Next Saturday the second part of Pyramaze post

Saturday 14 November 2015

Pyramaze 1st Part - The Legend of the Bone Carver

Hello there. Today I will talk about one of my favourite bands that suffered a lot of metamorfosis along their way
First Saying that I know there is another album called Melancholy Beast, which is Pyramaze 1st album, but as I don't hear it that much, I'm starting with their second album but feel free to listen their first album.
In this album "The Legend of The Bone Carver", there are some progressive metal elements, but not too many. I could call it more near a Power Progressive band maybe, as you may want to call
In this album we hear the amazing power metal voice of Lance King, and for me the biggest point in this band is the keyboarder, Jonah Weingarten
Jonah Weingarten
Lance King

This whole album is a concept album, it talks about a mistery and mythological creature known as Bone Carver. And here the voice of Lance king fits amazingly as the hero on the story, and the keys of Jonah makes we who listen the album, enter in this amazing story with more ease.
All the band is amazing, but I decided to focus on Lance and Jonah for being the reason I stopped at Pyramaze

The first song I will share with you is the 6th music and my favourite one, She Who Summoned Me, in this song the hero in deep doubt on himself is asked by a woman to help her. For some reason at the time I first heard this song there was a girl who messed with my head to, and this part
"Why am I here, Where do I go
Has someone called me
Then please tell me so
And as I leave the shadows
I see her sitting there
Night turns into day
She's looking my way"
This part fits what I felt at the moment, she changed me, she doesn't know how much as I never allowed her to know. so here it is, She who Summoned Me. In the song The Bone carver gains inner strength for what's to come

The 7th song is called The Bone Carver, in this song our hero finally understands where is his power, what to do to be victorious, a moment of change, as he says at the end
Let my Power grow
 Here it is Bone Carver 

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Steven Wilson - Routine (Hand. Cannot. Erase)

Today I bring you an amazing song with a powerful video, This reminds us how easy it is to get stuck in a routine after losing our beloved ones and be afraid to move on, fear we lose their rememberance

Saturday 7 November 2015

Testament - DNR and information and Thoughts

Here a quick post to say that has November arrives my posts will become Weekly or twice a week, I will try do choose only a day, October was different, as I didn't post anything in so long, I posted more, but now, I am slowing down also to allow who visits to blog to read the stuff I put in. Saturday will be that day, only part post will be added with less time between them when it is justified and then some pots might arrive Wednesday to

To not let a post go without anything to hear, I leave you Testament - DNR (Do Not Resuscitate)
The Thought is simple, recently here in Portugal there was elections and by the time I am writing this post, I prepare earlier my post when I have time so the post don't become dependent of me coming here every week for example. But I became Amazed recently how so many people loves to talk about what they think it is politics but in fact they don't know anything. Here in Portugal we have a semi-Presidentialist system, where we elect the deputies to house of representatives and from it the President of the Republic elects the Prime minister, lots of people thought we elected the prime minister directly... really? were everyone simple in last years? what resulted from this is PSD/CDS from right as PaF, alone got more deputies than the other forces, but together the left PS(socalist party, center-left)+BE(moderated left+some communist ideals)+PCP(portuguese Comunist party) have the absolute majority of the house fo representatives, when our dumb president Cavaco Silva decided to nominate Passos as prime minister he elected a colligation who has a relative advantage on the house of representatives, but have lack of deputies to approve anything at all, cause all that is to increase taxes and cut on health and education, they will not have the support to let it pass, unless PS decides to absent to some stuff. Let's see, but Portugal has since November 1975, always variating between PS and PSD, the chair rotates between them, but even though everyone panics when a change is possible.
DNR fits here
Open doors... open minds...
Ending all the madness I hate
 Who knows... soon

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Altaria - Divinity (power progressive metal)

As I was checking my scheduled posts, I spotted a big gap between Sonata's artica posts and the next one, and being that one not that rich, I decided to share something today.
So I decided to post Altaria, something I am entering right now, it's power metal band with elements of progressive, some might also consider it white metal(yes it exists, white metal is christian metal).

But that is not what makes me post this, it is their good sound, so I will leave you until the next post with Prophet of Pestilence and Unchain The Rain from 2004's Album Divinity