Saturday 30 January 2016

Antimatter 2nd part - Judas Table (2015)

Recently I participated in a web music contest in a forum I'm in and decided to use Antimatter, sadly during the Semi-Finals, Prophecy decided to put the video private and I lost needing to recur to an awful live video, between other awful live videos taken with toasters lol from the back of the room, full of zoom

So back to what it matters, Judas Table gives us a life lesson, how many might have been using you till today, how you value someone who doesn't deserve, imagine you being at table with some friends/family and all of them stab you in the back... well that's the meaning of the album name

From start Black Eyed Man, this song talks about how some peoples lie constantly to your face without knowing you know they are lying, and as they ignore it they continue lying to you, then if they think they can go ahead with lying to your face, what else are they doing in your back? be carefull

Lastly Stillborn Empires, How some people problems arrive from birth and how they grew, and how that influences their lives, the part "It was a business doing pleasure with you" says how a sex act is only a business doing such things inverting the usual saying

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