Saturday 30 January 2016

Antimatter 2nd part - Judas Table (2015)

Recently I participated in a web music contest in a forum I'm in and decided to use Antimatter, sadly during the Semi-Finals, Prophecy decided to put the video private and I lost needing to recur to an awful live video, between other awful live videos taken with toasters lol from the back of the room, full of zoom

So back to what it matters, Judas Table gives us a life lesson, how many might have been using you till today, how you value someone who doesn't deserve, imagine you being at table with some friends/family and all of them stab you in the back... well that's the meaning of the album name

From start Black Eyed Man, this song talks about how some peoples lie constantly to your face without knowing you know they are lying, and as they ignore it they continue lying to you, then if they think they can go ahead with lying to your face, what else are they doing in your back? be carefull

Lastly Stillborn Empires, How some people problems arrive from birth and how they grew, and how that influences their lives, the part "It was a business doing pleasure with you" says how a sex act is only a business doing such things inverting the usual saying

Saturday 23 January 2016

Antimatter 1st part - Early Fase - Lights Out(2003) and Fear of a Unique Identity(2012)

Today I bring you one of my recent pleasures, Antimatter
Antimatter has unique sound along all their albuns which came from 2000 till today, it is a one man project which invites as needed some other musicians to join him.
It's pure progressive rock, with some metal influences here and there.
The sound has several changes and paces, if you like progressive rock/metal you can't miss it by all means possible

I will start with Lights Out(2003) and Fear Of a Unique Identity

From Lights Out I leave you the selftitled song and the last music from the album Terminal, as we were a terminal patient waiting for something is simply marvelous.

From Fear Of a Unique Identity I leave you the first song, Paranova. But please listen everything of them it's worth it, mainly Leaving Eden from 2007.


This is The kind of Sound to hear with ears fully open. 
Wednesday there will be no post for you to embrace Antimatter, and then Saturday, the second part of this Post

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Metalwings - Crying of The sun 2015

As I want you to have time to listen properly the last three albums I showed you, I decided to go a bit softer this Wednesday, before posting some stronger stuff in the next weeks. So on this Purpose, i give you Metalwings from Bulgaria, another different country from the regular metal ones, I wnat this Blog not only to be a stream to show you some stuff that might be passing you by, but also to be kind of a musical trip around the world, visiting culturally as many countries as possible.
Never before Metalwings have I found a Lead vocalist being the Violonist also, it resembles me a bit of Ava Inferi. Check it out with a interesting violin solo

Saturday 16 January 2016

Les Discrets - Ariettes oubliées... (2012)

Once I shared with you Alcest, today I will give you another band from France which happens to have the same on Drums on of Alcest elements, Winterhalter. Ariettes Oubliées has the strength of electric guitars in contrast with acoustic guitars in a interesting dance of who wins the front at any point. I trully sugest you to listen the all album cause it's certain, I almost guarantee to you, that you might find something you will become attached to:

The first one I will share with you is the official video from this album with the same name, Ariettes Oubliées

The second music is my favourite the point where electric guitar gives space to acoustic guitar is just magical, just a beautiful cadence this Aprés l'Ombre

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Mono Part 2 - Rays of Darkness (2014) and the Last Dawn (2014)

There were another albums I could have chosen to make this second post like To my Parents from 2012 for example, but I decided to go with this double album for one simple reason, it's the one where there are more differences, the sound gained a darker and stronger atmosphere, o  Hymn to the Immortal Wind the sound resembled us the pureness of snow, the white color, now the Black, the darkness gain more strength, but with that the band didn't lose their energy and quality, it's just a change in the way they were following
Rays of Darkness and The Last Dawn (Double album, 2014)
From Rays of Darkness I leave you one of the most heavy songs I know from them, more connected to Metal then anything they have, Recoil, ignite

From The Last Dawn I leave you, Where we Begin, another marvelous music in sequence with some of the sound we heard in Follow the Map.

Saturday 9 January 2016

Mono part 1 - Hymn to the Immortal Wind (2009)

Greetings as I was making my last post, I checked I haven't talked about Mono so far, And tough for those Who might no get my references on Aesthesys post, might get them here
I had the luck to be in a concert of Mono in May 2015 and it's just an amazing trip around the emotions and feelings, which feels so good.
Their sound I would say has a rich environment, with something to be given to the listener. This album has a soft tone in it, some tunes that will be resonating in your head forever, if it has the same effect it had in me
but enough of words, which I can't find to properly define the majesty of this Japanese song, some of the songs are the most beautiful I ever heard. The magic of Progressive on it's best

Starting with Pure as Snow, here play live at Holy Ground: NYC With The Wordless Music Orchestrain 2010

An then my personal favourite, Follow The Map:

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Aesthesys - Crossing The Shoreline (2010)

Greetings musical dependents like myself.
Today I bring you something I just found some days ago. They are called Aesthesys and come from Russia, I don't know many bands from Russia by the way. But I'm glad I found them. Their sound makes me resemble a bit what Mono did in "The Hymn of The Immortal Wind" and being this Mono's album from 2009 and this Aesthesys album from 2011 I believe might have been some influence from the Japanese band on this Russian band.

The song I will share with you makes me resemble at certain points the song "Follow the Map" from Mono
The song is called Sailing to Byzantium, enjoy:

Sunday 3 January 2016

Nhor - Momenta Quintae Essentiae (late 2015)

Hello my musical friends. I hope 2016 has begun has joyfully as possible.
I know I promised 3 bands, I haven't forget them, but Suddenly a new album appeared that instantly caught my attention. The new album from Nhor is something beyond exceptional, a mix between Progressive, classical and doom metal, most of the songs are just so beautiful which make me lack on adjectives to characterize it.

Nhor - Momenta Quintae Essentiae

So with no more time to be wasted I leave you with two songs from this album
First a small teaser

Than let yourself flow in the peacefulness of this song

This Wednesday, probably, I may not post anything cause I need time to prepare the coming posts properly, two of the bands I mentioned will be by parts again. From next Saturday until late February at least, I think I may be able to keep a good wave of posts. So stay tuned. And if you liked Nhor you can be sure I will comeback later once I hear more from past albums or some of the other songs appear.