Saturday 17 August 2019

Widescreen Mode - Until The End(2007) and The Hanging Man(2009)

Some time passed since my last post in this format. One of these days I remembered a band I used to hear a lot from Finland, no I am not talking about Poets of the Fall this time. They are or were, don't know their current status, called Widescreen Mode, If such thing as doom rock even exists they would be really close to that sound, dark lyrics and sounds, amazed at the time 2008/2009. But forgot about them for some years.

Starting with "Serotonin", a song about a neuroreceptor is always something different right? this is a good way to talk indirectly about depression and mood problems, as Serotonin usually regulates our moods. This song comes in "The Hanging Man"

The Other song from the 2007 album, "Until the End" and is my favourite, Dead Inside. Both song and video are pretty violent talking about a sudden turn in life that leaves you thinking if "it" is still worth it or not. For those darker days this sounds so good.

This is a more usual song from rock/metal, called Everlasting Bomb. But I think is always good to show at least three songs to help you decide what you think about the bands whenever I can.

Saturday 27 July 2019

Selected Songs 3: Therion - Wisdom and the Cage; Pyramaze - She Who Summoned Me

Keeping for a little while this format

Therion - Wisdom and The Cage from Gothic Kaballah

This as little to do with the last song but is a song which brings me back to a happy time in my first graduation year. I didn't knew back then how good it was. When I hear the last bit I remember what  I felt back then. Because music can also save us in certain moments. And this song is beautiful

«Sophia, please rescue me,
from the carnal darkness in the shades of reflections

Sophia, i believe in you, your light...
 Shine inside my soul, I feel the sun from above »

Sophia -> Wisdom
This song makes me cry so hard for those times you can't imagine but in a good way it replenishes a bit my sanity as so I could say.

Pyramaze - She Who Summoned Me

This song I can say bring me hope and ease when I needed the most I came from a really hard last high School year transitioning to University where everythingwas new and emotionally and I close on myself, a bit like I am doing now, and at that moment I listen to this and noticed I was feeling the same as the song for someone that was without she knowing taking me back of those shadows, I guess she will never know what happened back there, I guess this time I will have to find another way around 12 years later

«Why am I here, Where do I go
Has someone called me
Then please tell me so
And as I leave the shadows
I see her sitting there
Night turns into day
She's looking my way»

Saturday 20 July 2019

Selected Songs 2: Antimatter - Monochrome; Skunk Anansie - Charlie Big potato

Back to this format. Lets pick where we left last week and go back to Antimatter.

Antimatter - Monochrome from Fear of a Unique Identity
This for me makes me thing of when we keep waiting for a sign, a hint to move to act, and while that we conforme and accept what is happening around. I always say the auto-pilot life is dangerous you are doing things but not thinking about them, we use the excuses you find to explain yourself even though inside you know you are wrong.

Skunk Anansie - Charlie Big Potato from Post Orgasmic Chill

This song evokes a bit of despair/anger to me sometime sreleasing the anger is something well needed. Sometimes the most violent of screams are the silent ones no one can hear.  I think if someone could hear those the magnitude would be abismal.

«I awake
Dry the scream
Spit the vile breath
Till my tongue bleeds»

Saturday 13 July 2019

Selected Songs 1: Anathema - The Untouchable, Antimatter - Uniformed & Black

Today I wanted to share specific songs instead of an album, I need to collect more bands to present as a album and now  I have no time for that. So the first two songs are those in the title.

Anathema - The untouchable part 1 and 2, from Weather Systems
This song as been echoing in my mind, It has a mix of hope and despair combined in a single song, Hope to find our way and despair to know it is over, but it seems like he doesn't want to go on, He had to letter her go but he didn't want, maybe a romantic love, or paternal love for his daughter? I don't know, but evokes so well the idea of feeling too much and then the emptiness that remains for so long. I understand this so well.

»I Had to let you Go, to the setting Sun.
I Had do let you go. And Find a way Back Home»

Antimatter - Uniformed & Black from Fear of an Unique Identy

 This song calls too close to home, like when things keep on trying to mess with your sanity oh, so thin with each passing day. Like it is already running thin but everyday life still keeps on stretching it like it's nothing, waiting for us not to eventually snap. the last part of lyrics is specifically strong, Embracing a Lie, Got stuck on Rewind, when you keep reviving the past moments you can't go on.

«They'll wake you up when you're sane
Come rape what morals remain

Embracing a lie
Got stuck on rewind
Requiem in constant replay »


Both songs seem to revolve around the innerself and not being able to surpass a specific dark moment and to let the feelings fade away, whatever that feeling is, being it love, hate, despair....

Saturday 1 June 2019

Oceanwake - Lights Flashing In Mute Scenery(2019)

Something new this way comes. I would put Oceanwake somewhen between Doom, Black and Post-metal. a Really dark atmosphre where the Growls are justified for me. The music is also pretty dark and it something to absorve.
The first song, called "Posthuma", has all the said parts pretty evident to me

The Second song, called "Travelogue" has a slightly different beat to it right in the beginning of the song, being more what I imagine from Doom and less of the others.  The voice also helps a lot to this idea to me.

Saturday 25 May 2019

LABIRINTO - Divino Afflante Spiritu(2018)

I don't remember the last time I posted a post-Rock/metal band but the time returned Hearing Labirinto makes me remember of God is an Astronaut and that must be a good thing to say to anyone. They seem darker in several moments though which I really enjoy.
The first song Ia m sharing with you is called "Demiurge"

The second song is the Title track and is called "Divino Afflante Spiritu"

Saturday 18 May 2019

Merzhin - Nomades (2018)

Once in a while I stumble upon bands I've never heard about, This is another one of those bands, from France, Seems France bands are more and more present  in myu life recently. The first song I head seems to have a nothern African vibe to it, the song is called "On Marchera" at some points made me remember of Myrath

the second song is more folky with less influences from northern Africa, but still a nice once to hear. The song is called "No One is Innocent"

Saturday 11 May 2019

SOTO - Origami (2019)

Next 24th May, there will be a released an album which promises a lot, from SOTO. The tittle track is amazing, Origami, I can't stop hearing it. heavy enough without being too much for my taste.

The other song revealed so far is called "BeLie" is less heavy than the first one, going in a more melodic direciton. the voice makes me remember Jorn Lande at spaces.

Saturday 4 May 2019

Richard Barbieri - Variants.1+2, 3+4 & 5(2019)

Cheers everyone. Hope you are having a good year, we are almost falfway through. I recently started to pay more attention to Richard Barbieri the ever present talent together with Sevten Wilson's solo career or Porcupine Tree. His solo works Variants are coming around, and if the hte first song «New Soul» are that kind of song you put playing and let it sink in or do something with it in the background

The Second one is more the music to be marvelled upon, called «Vibra», brilliantly executed with a mix of sounds that grows within one.

Hope you enjoy Richard Barbieri's work as much as I do.

Cheers and see you soon

Saturday 27 April 2019

Motanka - Motanka(2019)

Recently passing on Napalm I satumbled upon this magestic song, it took me time to mature it in my head but it is really good. Heavy when it needs to be and melodic at the other times. a mix of heavy and traditional music. I leave you with Verba from the album coming about in June.

Saturday 20 April 2019

Voyager - Brightstar(2019)

I recently stumbled upon this guys on Season of Mist. The music I heard "Brightstar" gives me a vibe of Leprous/Rendevous Point with other parts more Brainstorm came to my mind. They alternate melodic parts, with others way more agressive, like what Leprous used us to. I really enjoyed this I must say.

Saturday 13 April 2019

SÂVER - They Came With Sunlight(2019)

This is one of those sound that I was about to skip it after the first two minutes, but than it easily kept my attention. As expected from Norwegian bands, this amused me a lot. Vibes of what in bands so different like Ulver, Borknagar, Leprous, Ihsahn. Some harsh and agressive sounds(the most one so far this year in the blog probably), alternating with others so pleasant. A good album to pay attention in near future. Musically irrepreensibl,  I leave you for now with "Dissolve to Ashes"

Saturday 6 April 2019

MORK - Det Svarte Juv(2019)

This song, might be the heaviest one in the recent times in my blog. It is in that frontier between what I can and enjoy to hear, and what starts to be too much for me. This guys, I enjoyed it. it has a dark vibe around the music "På Tvers Av Tidene" that for me is most of time senough to caught my attention. I think those who enjoy that feeling more doom metal, black metal, will surely enjoy this one.

Saturday 30 March 2019

Myrath - Shehili(2019)

Seems Myrath are offering us a new album. I usually enjoy having time to  hear an album well before jumping to the next one. But I don't mind in this situation. The oriental and Northern Africa vibes are there for us to notice. And seem to get more and more detailed. I hope they put their own local language more into songs. For me more songs with this registry will never be enough. I will leave you with "No Holding Back"

Glad I could fill this month with Posts, unlike February, hope I can keep the pace till the end of the year. I am waiting for more to do a post about new Devin Townsend album, keep tuned to the blog.

Saturday 23 March 2019

The Riven - Far Beyond(2019)

Seems another Swedish band is coming by. I wasn't expecting much from here, I didn't eve knew who they were. But I really enjoyed her voice. And it fits pretty nice with the instruments. The vibe is near more something coming somewhere near the Grunge scene.

Saturday 16 March 2019

Cosmic Wolves (Demos 2019)

Today I stumbled upon a band clash for who would win a slot on Vagos Metal Fest this year, and doing so, I noticed I only knew Allamedah from the lot. I decided as such, to search the other bands, all the two people who follow me, may know I am not that fond of black or thrash metal, I hear it but not everything in those genres is my place. However this band caught my attention, more calm, melodic, more closer to what I seek in music. Coming from my country, Portugal, even better.

The first song I heard Rise of the Samurai, has the oriental style in it that immediately caught my eye, the music makes me remember something coming from the post metal/post rock genres, maybe something drinking close to Mono and those areas.

The Second song is a demo, is called Sakumi, and is different from the last one, in some moments made me remember of Les discrets or Alcest, still following some of what is heard in the post styles. I once again can connect the sound to Mono. I will follow this band for sure in the future. hope they can hang-on in a country not that much focused on this style of music.

Saturday 9 March 2019

We Are the Catalyst - Ephemeral(2019)

Another new sound around here. The first part made me rememeber of Dolores O'riordan in "Ordinary Girl" but the sounds transprot me more to something more near Dealin or Within temptation early era. For sure something different from what you usually find around here. I leave you with the song "Over Pale Waters". Her voice seems interesting, no need to by yelling all the time.

Saturday 2 March 2019

The Ghost Next Door - A Feast For the Sixth Sense(2019)

Greetings. I recently on my search found this band. It is a mic of melody with a harsh voice, it fits pretty well to me to be honest. Thos ewho are more into harsh voices, may found very interesting this band from San Francisco.

Saturday 16 February 2019

Ulver - ATGCLVLSSCAP(2016)

Time to bring you something more from Ulver. This is the album from 2016 with a name almost impossible to pronounce. This Song is on my MP3 and is a pleasure any time it pops up. The song is called "Cromagnosis"

The album title is the combined initials of all the 12 signs of the zodiac. From aries to pisces


On stage
  • Seth Beaudreault — audiovisuals
  • Ole Alexander Halstensgård — electronics
  • Anders Møller — percussion
  • Daniel O'Sullivan — bass, guitar
  • Kristoffer Rygg — electronics, percussion, voice
  • Jørn H. Sværen — voice
  • Ivar Thormodsæter — drums
  • Tore Ylvisaker — keys, electronics

Saturday 2 February 2019

Paratra - Testament(2018) and 2014 posts updated

This post today, serves to inform I updated all 2014 posts where videos and images were offline and whenever possible updated the videos. I will futurely do it for other years.
But as I don't want an empty post, music wise, I will share with you a recent discovery. Paratra, from India a psychadelic rock band.

The band is originated from Mumbay, a city close to where I once was.  Paratra at the moment are Samron Jude in Guitars and Akshat Deora on Sitar

Testament came out in 2018, I knew from Gentle Storm's project that a Sitar could accompany Rock and metal really well. Let me share with you "Crazy Dream". A good mix of oriental vibes with electornic. I enjoyed it  a lot, hope you will too. Cheers.

Saturday 26 January 2019

Dead Combo - Lisboa Mulata (2011)

Last days I hadn't the time to hear anything new, and as I don't want the blog to stay  without posts for too long, I decided to share something with you. These guys a duet(composed of To Trips and Pedro Gonçalves) from Portugal famous for being amazing, incarnating in their sounds the magic lived in Lisbon and Portugal. They are Dead Combo. I will leave you two songs "Esse Olhar Que Era Só Teu" A song breathing Lisbon ambience everywhere, this is what you will feel if you ever visit Lisbon.

The second one is the self-titled song "Lisboa Mulata" the iconic song from the album, this impersonates the cultural mix existing in Lisbon so well. Listen this one with the stereo effect, becomes so amazing

Saturday 12 January 2019

NEMUER - Chapter V: Labyrinth of Druids(2016)

One of these days I was roaming inside the folk/world music departing from similar stuff to Irfan and/or The Moon and the Night Spirit and stumbled upon this band, Nemuer, a clear mix of influences form here and there, the first music I heard was "Caves of Damnation" a calmer song with some sounds thinking like deep sea calls or calls from within, I immediately felt in love with it. The final crescendo is something simply amazing.

The second song I hear is way darker in ambience than the first one, a different taste if you may think. the song is called "Those Who Are Not Seen"

The third song is "The Isle of Awakening", after a darker ambient, now a chill one with sounds of the shoreline near the sea, to breathe the calm within

The final song I am showing you is "Castle (Dedicated to H. P. Lovecraft)" this is what you would expect if your lost in a maze inside a dense forest in a game, but it seems to give you the hint of the exit in it as you get closer. Nice one

Saturday 5 January 2019

In The Woods - Pure(2016)

Cheers, Hope you had an amazing new year's eve and the new year may bring amazing new sounds for us to hear. To start this year, I will show you something I found recently, despite being from 2016. In some way this made me remember of Amorphis with a feeling darker than what Amorphis sing about usually, full of power, but I already checked they have even heavier sounds. Hope you enjoy this "Cult of Shining Stars"