Wednesday 28 October 2015

Sonata Arctica part 2 - Power Progressive metal - Reckoning Night

Here it is the second part of my Sonata Artica Post, this time about Reckoning Night, one again I will share some songs with you and share my extracted meaning form them, with you.
I Will start with Ain't Your Fairytale, it's a very strong song, there are lots of bands in metal who talk about werewolves as it is a fantasy common thing. But almost none talks about the Wolves on themselves.
Ain't Your Fairytale, shows us the story of I think an Ancient Wolf who shares the story of its ancestors to their young fellows. And talks how first man and Wolves had a pact to not attack each other, but then things changed. Wolves haven't being very lucky recently while being hunted as the ones from the same species, dogs are treated almost as kings. something is not that right in this equation.
The second one is Don't way a word, the second part of End of This Chapter trilogy, in this case he is back, he is decided to end what he has started, he is disposed to kill the girl to have peace, as sh says to the girl if she can't fulfil her part of the pact they might have done in the past, done she might be quiet. I don't know the third part that well, Juliet as I don't like the album where the song is, but for the name of the song, I think he really kills the girl on this song, his sickened ways arrive to an end.

The Third one, The Boy Who Wanted to be a Real Puppet, This one is quiet simple it's a boy who has so much anxiety to become a real puppet that allow his greed to take over, on the process the puppeteer turns him a puppet but soon the boy understands the life of a Puppet is hard, he realises he submitted to greed and says only a knife could end this story, being him a puppet now i think it's easy to understand what the knife would do

The 4th one, My Selene, a song that starts like a dream, he always awaits his Selene, every night, but as soon as he realises his Selene is a way for he, who was always alone, be able to feel less alone. But as he understands Selene will never apear, and the would never meet, the dream becomes a nightmare, and then his hope fades. At some point we understand the title Selene, with the reference to Endymion, because being she a goddess, goddess of the moon, being in love with a mortal can only bring pain.

The Last one Shamandalie, well this talks about a friendship become something else, and has he understands while becoming lovers and the situation ending the feelings he had for her seem like a sham and a Lie. More direct than this a song can't be. The song as lots of emotion associated

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