Saturday 29 December 2018

Old Silver Key - Tales of Wanderings(2011)

Another example of late knowing a band, once again in the post style sound, with some heavy riffs. A lot of you may enjoy this band, I like what I heard in"Star Catcher" and will be a song to hear again in the near future.
This is the last post of this god-damned year of 2018, let's hope 2019 will be better for me and for us. cheers

Saturday 22 December 2018

Arctic Plateau - On A Sad Sunny Day(2009)

Keeping on discovering songs associated with the shoegaze/post rock/metal bands here we have Arctic Plateau, WheN I searched for Similar artists/bands to Les Discrets, this maybe be the closer one to what Les Dicrests and Alcest used us to. I leave you for today with "On a Sunny Day", the heavy presence of guitars control the song.

Saturday 15 December 2018

Last Leaf Down - Fake Lights(2014)

As I really enjoy the sound of these  guys, I searched for older material. I found Fake "Lights album" the sound found on "In These Waters"  has something that sent me to the sound of Impure Whilemina, not so in shoegaze but more into doom rock/metal. These Guys Seem to keep on amazing me

The second and last  song I'm showing you is "The Theme", Here we clearly are into shoegaze/alternative/post sound  they evolved in the later works. The dark ambience of the sounds will always amaze me.

Saturday 8 December 2018

Last Leaf Down - Bright Wide Colder(2017)

Recently searching for similar sounds to those of Les Discrets I found this band. Les Discrets has a dark vibe to it that I love, there guys happen to have the same atmosphere with them.
it is an alternative rock band with Shoegaze influence, if you like Les Discrets like me you will enjoy this one to.

From Bright Wide colder I bring you "Ghost Trails" a more heavier songs the voice is really amazing to, fitting so well with the instrumental that brings us to a new level where music has a voice. So many vibes from thinks so different as Katatonia to Alcest.

The second music is "Purple Skies", this one gave me some feelings found in music from the Gothic genre, less heavier instrumentally than the previous one, a different example. Here the shoegaze is more visible the music with ability to let us see ourselves within.

Then I show you "The Path" a single released in 2016. This song as a shadowy feeling, evoking what we would found in the doom sub-genre, keeping the way shown in the previous songs

Saturday 1 December 2018

Fen - Trails Out Of Gloom(2011)

Keeping on the track of bands/sounds I never heard about, I stumble upon Fen a Canadian mix of dark ambient sounds with progressive touch. On "Miracle" you can clearly see this combo of dark ambience with the elements of progressive, It is not easy to find info about this band due to a black metal band also called Fen, but I will keep attention to this particular band

The song "Queen of the Mountain" is more rocky than the previous one, made me remember of John Mayer singing with a progressive more rocked vibe around it

Saturday 24 November 2018

Ihsahn - ÀMR(2018)

For some unknown reason I wasn't aware that a new ablum from Ihsahn was around after 2016's Arktis, but thinking a bit it makes sense. I really enjoyed the song presented for us to hear, seems to follow part fo the path of Arktis focusing a lot on Ihsahn's clean vocals, which is what I like the most
I leave you with "Arcana Imperii"

Saturday 3 November 2018

Thy Catafalque - Geometria(2018)

First and foremost, sorry for not posting last week, but in fact I didn't have nothing worth posting in that week that would be unique or something really interesting, so I decided to post nothing. This week started with me stumbling upon this amazing song from Thy Catafalque "Tenger, Tenger" is an ambient folky sound in the sound,really not heavy. The album already came around last May, but only this week crossed my eyes.
Hope you enjoy. See you next week

Saturday 20 October 2018

Crippled Black Phoenix - Great Escape(2018)

Today I am showing you a band I found recently, Season of Mist is impossible to get assured on what we will hear before we do so. This band is most of time instrumental, with some samples but it surely has a lot of progressive elements on its sound.

The first song I heard was "Civil War Pt 1" a fast one to keep on track with the band

Than the biggest one, "Times, They Are A'raging" with vocals on it, starts slowly and steady and blows up in the end

The third one, "Slow Motion Breakdown" also starts calmly than exploed to return to its origin point

And the last one,"You Brought It Upon Yourselves" where the samples are used, make me for sure remember something that would come out of Shoegaze or experimental.

I really enjoyed far more than I expected, and this kind of surprises I really enjoy

Saturday 13 October 2018

Noisemill - Stay on Top(2018? - EP) - the Return of Sandager Brothers

I am so glad to hear the Sandager Brothers are back in doing music together. Now with Morten on drums and producing instead of the keyboards he used us to. I enjoyed this song to be sincere. I missed hear Mikkel Sandager's voice, I love his voice since Mercenary time, and this is no exception
Here I leave you "Stay on Top"

Second song is way calmer, more on the rock side of the spectre for me "Thunder in Paradise"

The third one revealed is "Angry Love", has a stronger beat, seems more in the way of the old Grunge/stoner rock ways in my opinion

and the final one is "Calling" this is faster and more in line to what is the first song and what they used us to in old times. This and the first one are by far my favorites.

If you want to check more check some other samples on

Saturday 6 October 2018

Antimatter - Black Market Enlightenment(2018)

I had already two other posts prepared, but something came about that made me delay both of the publications. Antimaterr releades the first single from the new album, coming out in November for what I remember. The track revealed "The Third Arm", made me search for the new album to preorder right away, and made me also order an older one I didn't have and have been hearing it on repeat since yesterday October the 5th .
The dark atmosphere so tipycal of Antimatter is present yet again and the crescendo of the music, oh my god. Hope you enjoy it, and mad eme glad I bought the Under The Doom festival ticket.

Next two weeks be prepared for the return of two brother I love to ear in metal, and some new stuff I foun recently. Cheers

Saturday 29 September 2018

Live - The Distance to Here(1999)

One of these days in a pastime I usually take part in, someone remembered me of this band. I always really loved Live, they had something different if they were considered post-Grunge like several other bands. Musics like 1994'sThrowing Copper album song "Selling the Drama" were already mesmerizing to me mixing the power of music and lyrics. This album was however where I took notion of what Live was, joining songs and the name.

At that time "Dolphin's Cry" run in all radios and TV's a song about an orgasm was only fair to give eargasms to, no? ahah

Another song came around later, "Run to the Water" a big message like the one to make us wake up, mixing again an amazing lyrics with melody and rythm.

Hope you enjoy this Callback of mine to this amazing band. Cheers

Saturday 22 September 2018

Warrel Dane - Shadow Work(2018)

Recently it was revealed the first song of the album Warrel Dane was preparing and recording before dying. Hearing it still makes it harder to accept his death as he still had a lot to give to metal genre. In my opinion in this song "Disconnection System" we can hear a lot of the atmosphere we heard in obsidian conspiracy(last Nevermore Album). I enjoy it a lot, dark atmosphere, hunting lyrics, if you like me enjoy Nevermore you will  enjoy this one. The new album is out in October 26th later this year.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Riverside - Wasteland(2018) part 2

Here is just a quick post to let you know a new song was revealed recently for the new album wasteland from the Polish band Riverside. The song is called "River Down Below" while the other song Vale of Tears was heavier more connected to older Riverside moments, this one made me remember the Love Fear and the Time Machine album from 2015(the album which brought me to Riverside) and for that I really enjoy this song. I love when bands don't follow a single path but decide to explore a few in the same album, lets see when the album comes out what we can expect. And of Course the album is already pre-ordered here, I did it with Cardhouse and wasn't disappointed lets see how this works now.

Saturday 8 September 2018

Brainstorm - Midnight Ghost (2018) and On The Spur Of The Moment (2011)

In the end of August I stumbled upon the new song form Brainstorm, is one of those bands that never disappoint. despite of being Power metal is not those generic new bands from power metal that are equal to one another.
the song they present is called "Ravenous Minds" and will be present in the album Midnight Ghost which comes out in 28th September

For those who don't know Brainstorm I leave you also one of my favourite songs from them from the album "On The Spur Of The Moment" from 2011, "In these Walls". I don't see myself doing a new post just for this song in the future. I think it fits better right now.

Saturday 1 September 2018

Karnivool - Themata (2005)

As I don't have much for now to share, I decided to share at last in my blog this amazing band Karnivool, mainly this amazing album Themata. They easily fit their songs in a progressive rock/metal genre which automatically gets points in my mind.

i will share with you the first two songs of the album, I guess a lot of people might already know them, but for those who don't, I think you will enjoy it. The first song is called "Cote", here I love the voice on the bridge before the chorus.

"Themata" was the song that brought me to Karnivool, and even today  I really enjoyed it.

Well is all for now. See you around

Saturday 25 August 2018

The Anix - Shadow_Movement(2018)

Today I bring you a band in a interesting fusion between rock/alternative rock and electronic music. Even inside that registry they presents different sonorities. On "Interchanger" it is a heavier riff,

While in Black Space it is the syntesyzers and electronic bits that have predominance
For last Come Back Down, has a more rocky sound to it, with parts remembering the vibes of industrial. I think it is for sure a band to keep track on.

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Maefire - Baby, Please (2018, single)

Just another quick post to show you an Australian band I just found on a channel. The song that was revealed "Baby, Please" is a generic rock song, not so much fitting in the progression or metal genre here in my blog, but is a cool band to keep track of in my opinion, sometime sis good to know what is being done in the more mainstream sonorities.

Saturday 18 August 2018

Burden Of The Sky - Sirens(2018, single)

Today I was dwelling on YouTube and came across this band, I really enjoy it, it is only the only song I've heard from them, I'm curious to hear more, but so far vocalist makes me remember of TesseracT voice and sonority from Anubis gate in Andromeda Unchained phase. I really enjoy it, progression and powerful and melodic voice, curious to hear more soon. Hope you also enjoy this USA band, here with the song Sirens

Saturday 11 August 2018

Allamedah - A um Homem Novo(2018 - new Single)

Today is a quick post for a new single from Allamedah band, metal band from Lisbon, Portugal
They seem to  be closer and closer to a more progressive sound than their first materials. This is their new song, "A um Homem Novo" it is in Portuguese once again, the percussion I enjoy so much, are something we can find in Portuguese folklore like Gaiteiros and similar, that remind our Mediterranean/northern Africa matrix in our culture, mainly the centre/southern culture of Portugal. The percussion all over reminds me mainly of a song called Keeper of Shangri-la from Aeternam, that song is transported to a northern Africa vibe of the band, here the remainder instruments just reminds us of our cultural heritage. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do

Saturday 4 August 2018

Riverside - Wasteland(2018)

Finally my people we are presented with the new album from Riverside Wasteland, It was already announced there would be a tour to promote the new album, the first of Pos-Piotr Era. Maybe the last Piotr era was indeed Love, Fear and The Time Machine but  in reality was Eye of the Soundscape the last one he is credited in. This new song is clearly heavier than the last two resists while still keeping their identity. Well this is what is possible to get from the music released on past 27th July, I waited until now to see if something else would be released, but then here it is: I leave you for now with the recent revealed song:
"Vale of Tears"
 The song gave me Anathema Vibes, not that I am saying it doesn't sound like Riverside, I am saying the vibe the song transmits remembers me of songs like "Can't let go" from Anathema. As I love Aanthema I love to feel those vibe sin the song

As soon as something else is released stay tuned for a second part of this post

Saturday 28 July 2018

Saltatio Mortis - Brot und Spiele (2018)

Cheers. Today I was passing through my youtube subscriptions and stumbled upon new Saltatio Mortis song. Saltatio Mortis are usually a folk metal band, with way more folk elements than the traditional metal ones. On this track already the fusion is way more balanced, it almost get a song more agressive and powerful. The song is called "Dorn im Ohr" and wil lbe presented on their new album, «Brot und Spiele» coming out next 17th August

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Witherscape - The Inheritance(2013)

Today I bring you a return of a band I already talked about, Dan Swano's Witherscape. I have been hearing The Northern Sanctuary and suddenly youtube suggests me some songs from The Inheritance. The first song I am going to show you is "Dead For A Day". It is a dark song both lyrical and musicaly, with some lessons to be taken. What I love the most in Witherscape is it have soft parts and then some really harsh ones, being that the harsh ones really make sense to me. Like a fit of rage.
Lyrics likes these
I wish I could be dead for a day
Just to hear what all the people would say
To find out in the end, who was really my friend
And what the meaning of life's all about
and these

Dreamer's day, when he longs to say,
And take it all in stride,
Sitting alone in his prisoned mind,
The jaded takes its toll again
 are really my jam.

the second song is "Astrid Falls", musically the song is the Heaven for Progressive people. good variance, from soft parts to some heavy one. Once again the clean vocals really balances the harsher ones.

I'm glad to finally have come around this 2013 album

Saturday 21 July 2018

Coheed and Cambria - Welcome Home from "Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness"(2005)

This is a quick post, because I don't want the Saturday spot to be empty by any means. This is a song that has been resonating in my head, maybe it wants to tell me something,  I believe sometimes you are hearing a song once and again in your head cause your subconscious wants to advise you about something you are clearly not seeing and its right in front of your eyes. Maybe because of some illusions I had in a recent past that proven to be only disillusions, this song talks partly about that something that could have been amazing but it really isn't. I know the lyric videos has some wrong bits, but I prefer it over the censored official video. Some parts of the lyrics in some way made me remember of the song "End of This Chapter" from Sonata Arctica, the lyrics only.

this will be a 3 post week, from Wednesday to Wednesday, check around for another post next Wednesday. Cheers.

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Allamedah - singles "Algema" and "Perspective" 2018

Greetings people, sorry for my absence but this year keeps on being hard to me, seems I can't find the right path in between the problems... well that is not the reason i am here today.
On of these days I stumble upon something that put me in absolute awe. I was seeing a react channel caught A&P Reacts(I totally recommend them for finding cool stuff) and heard something I really didn't expect to. I already knew from Ava Inferi how the Portuguese matrix works so well in metal, mainly the atmospherically darkest metal, more connected to darkness of mind and being.
But Ava is a style more connected to gothic metal, and I was still to see if it would work in another style. Than the said channel showed a band called Allamedah with a Fado singer called Valeria Carvalho. I didn't knew any of them, neither the band or the girl. But as the songs starts I became in awe, is starts with strength, in Portuguese(something kind of rare) and all of a sudden the song has a break and it starts a Fado time, then it evolves with conjunction of fado and a more heavy/prog sound of the band. From the break on the presence of the Portuguese Guitar is simply majestic. The song is called "Algema", and it should be shared for more people to know, and then maybe we will more and more fusions of each country style with metal.

The second song "Perspective" is more a typical heavy metal song, but I still enjoy it, that kind of sound is not the most common in Portugal, where black and thrash metal prevails. For me a progressive fan I lack more solid bands on the genre to follow.

Hope you enjoy both songs as much as I do. Cheers and see you soon.

Saturday 2 June 2018

ART OF ANARCHY - The Madness(2017)

I don't like passing to much time without posting anything, so I remember to show you something you may not have come across. It's Art of Anarchy which counts with ex-Creed Voclaist Scott Stapp, it is a style much less rocky and more towards hard rock. I think you will enjoy the song "No Surrender"

Saturday 12 May 2018

Candlemass - House of Doom(EP 2018) and Death Thy Lover(EP 2016)

Cheers my friends, today I will bring a really fast post, to announce the new video by Candlemass, I love Candlemass even more since Mats Leven entered the band, on 25th May they will release the EP House of Doom, hope you enjoy the song they just revealed with the exact same name "House of Doom". Hope you enjoy it as much as me.

For those who don't know Candlemass that well, I bring you the other song of them with Mats Leven, from the EP Death Thy Lover from 2016. I can't say my favourite from this songs.

Does who enjoyed these songs please listen to all their works from pre-Mats Leven era.

Saturday 5 May 2018

Amorphis - Queen Of Time(2018)

Its right on 18th May when there will be a new album release by Amorphis, this is one of those bands I keep on comeback once and again cause I really liked their song.
I will be honest The Bee is a good song, but I am not that fond of growling myself in an extent this song has. But for those who do, this is a must hear:

The second song "Wrong Direction"they released... well that one is amazing for me makes me remember the dark feelings and emotions of The Wanderer, one of my favorite Amorphis song, I get myself hearing this one once and again and I will hear it much more times in next days. Here you still can expect growling in specific points where it makes the difference for me.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Paradise Lost - Believe in Nothing(original 2001 - Remastered 2018)

Cheers Mates, making an extraordinary post this week to show to you the remastered version of Mouth from Paradise Lost, originally present in Believe in Nothing album from 2001 one is now back together with the whole album now that has been remastered. Check it out

Saturday 28 April 2018

Lunatic Soul - Under the Fragmented Sky(2018)

Cheers, one of this days I came across a new Lunatic Soul song which will be available in 25th May, it has everything you may expect from this project from Riverside's Mastermind Mariusz Duda. It is short for now, but for usre makes me want to hear more in the future. the song is called "Untamed"

Saturday 21 April 2018

God is an Astronaut - Epitaph (2018)

Cheers my Friends, Today THIS had to be my post, I found 27th April its the release of Epitaph, usually when a band releases an Epitaph it announces the end of the band. All God is an Astronaut fans hope it will not be their end cause this is toooooo good.
On March they had already released a song for the upcoming album, with the same name as the album, "Epitaph". This song starts really calm, but not monotonic it has variances which makes one focused on the song, and some of the details in between that seems like we are alone on a Carriage or a train an see the sound of everything passing by and there we stay only us and our thoughts. Suddenly it increases its strength like a turbulence of our darkest dreams and fears. Then it gets calmer again as we found our peace and accept what we are. The video is kind of dark showing, following really well the song cause most of the times photography only captures what is good on this world and never shows the pain and anguish always so present.

Already on this month they released a new video called "Komorebi", it is more of a post-progressive song but is not that what takes its mystery. Being way more calmer and less strong as Epitaph, I love every bit of the music, makes me wander in the realm of Mono and that is a really really good indication. From video's discription:‘Komorebi’ is a word from Japanese. Think of the interplay between light and leaves when sunlight shines through trees. I think the word really evokes that feeling of being in a forest while the light gently caresses our heads, if you never felt that you must, ideally as far away as possible from the day to day cosmopolitan noises. Here when the song increases its tone is not so violent as in the other song is like suddenly the wind got stronger and stronger in our hair.

I had to post this this week, it is too good to be non-shared.
See you next week cheers.

Sunday 15 April 2018

Vanden Plas - Christ 0 (2006) and The Seraphic Clockwork(2010) and Chronicles Of The Immortals: Netherworld II(2015)

Cheers My friends. Today I decided to bring a band I am listening again on this days, contrarily to other bands I don't know their albums through so I will instead post my favourite songs from what I know from them, this is a Big return to Progressive metal posts.

I will show you two songs the first one has a title a lot of people will find it familiar as it has the same name as one of from Pink Floyd hits, "Wish you were here", However this as too little to do  with Pink Floyd apart the progressive thing. I love everything in this song from the vocalists voice to the way the music evolves from start to beginning. A Special Thumbs up to the album cover Which I think is amazing.

The other song is called "Holes In The Sky" is less melodic than the other one but the progressive style remains I think more to what I would expect in some of the Threshold songs with Damian Wilson. I really enjoy it.

The last one is one of my recently found songs from them, called "Stone Roses Edge", Seems more closer to the first song with more electric elements with some of Speed and power metal elements as well

Saturday 7 April 2018

Les Discrets - Septembre et ses Dernières Pensées (2010)

Here in  Portugal we have a saying which is"Better late than never" this is how I feel about this Les Discrets album, I am a Les Discrets fan for a while but never ventured in listening their first album, and now I understand I lost too much time not doing it, it is amazing as Les Discrets are used to give us, I guess the French fellows already know them, but don't know about everybody else.

This first song I am showing you is "Les Feuilles De L'olivier", it is a strong music but one of those which never looses its melodic sense in between specially that part arround the 1:50-2:00 minutes

The second one, 4th of the album, is my absolute favorite "Song For The Mountains", it really seems a lament and the chorus are so intense we feel what he is saying

The 3rd one is "Sur Les Quais", at first it almost seemed it was sang in Portuguese, but no. Despite of that it's also really pleasurable to hear.

The last one I will be showing you for now is "Chanson d'automne", one of thsoe that really starts strong and nice, and as it approaches the end it gets softer while remaining really nice

Saturday 31 March 2018

Home(João Barradas) - An End as a New Beginning (2017)

I friends, Due to health reasons until May it will be really hard to come and put this blog updated. Today I finally found a time and decided to share something I found recently.

Today I am showing you something you may have not be expecting and I am sure will not appear here often, A music inside the fusion Jazz, with Jazz, with elements of rock and other sonorities. It was the Vibraphone which called my attention. I will start with the song which gives name to the CD. "An End as a New Beginning"

And my favorite one, "I Am Going Away For a While Don't Try And Follow Me"

Saturday 24 February 2018

Lunatic Soul - Walking on a Flashlight Beam(2014)

Still walking around some of my favorite progressive bands which members have other side projects. Today is time for the amazing side-project from Mariusz Duda the frontman of Riverside. A progressive sound you cannot loose if you are inside the sonority of Riverside, Anathema and so on. I happen to stumble upon on the amazing songs of the album in a forum I am a regular on. The song is called Gutter, has that vibe you can recall in bands I already mentioned I bet you all will enjoy. Cheers

Saturday 17 February 2018

Therion - Beloved Antichrist (2018) second part

Cheers next 22nd of February there will be a Therion concert in Lisbon Where I hope I am able to go, I have the tickets lets see if my health allows me or not. basically two months passed since my last post, and then several musics were posted by Therion and for me two of them musically way superior than the last one.

In Night Reborn, is so far my favourite song of the new album which makes me remember the early Therion works. Majorly the female parts of the song are really good.

Theme Of Antichrist has an horrible video but I enjoy the songs, Once again after Sitra Ahra and Fleurs du mal, this represents a major improvement in my opinion. Is sincerely pretty nice for me.

Finally Bring Her Home was the last song revealed before the album release last February 9th. is clearly hearable the amazing voice of Lori Lewis

Saturday 10 February 2018

Cardhouse - City Blur(2018) From Anathema's Daniel Cardoso

Cheers everyone, Sorry for the absence, health and personal reasons are behind this recent hiatus. Serves this post for the purpose to make you know I am still around and will son comeback to regular posts. For now I bring you the project of Daniel Cardoso from Anathema, called Cardhouse, it has the progressive vibe we  so well know from Anathema. I bring you the song Ink, the song is so calm and relaxing and I was really glad when I heard it in a TV series called 4play. I already purchased the physical copy of CD while I am hearing the digital download they send me with the purchase.

Hope to see you sooner than the time passed between this publication and the previous one.

Saturday 6 January 2018

Fatal Fusion - Total Absence(2016)

One of this days someone suggested me this band, and I am so glad he did it. I enjoy it all the way, don't know what it is but sounds simply wonderful, with no more words, here it is the song "The Emperor's Letter"