Saturday 3 December 2016

Exxiles - Oblivion(2015)

Today I brought you a song from a metal band but with a romantic touch, a version from the song Llorona from Chavela Vargas. Discovered this song pretty recently but this version already amuses me. Check it out.

Saturday 26 November 2016

In Extremo - Mein Rasend Herz (2005) and Weckt die Toten!(2008)

Today another Folk metal band, again from Germany. They are called In extremo, mixking the powerful bagpipes in metal. First song is my favorite, "Liam".

The second one is called "Ai Vis Lo Lop"

Saturday 19 November 2016

Corvus Corax - Gimlie (2013)

Today, time for some folk metal I found when I heard it in Wacken in 2015 I think I leave you with the song Derdriu. today it's a quick post. Next week there will also be a quick one.

Saturday 12 November 2016

Trees of Eternity - Hour of the Nightingale (2016)

Today a band within progressive rock and progressive metal, the song I'm sharing with you is beautiful, amazing voice but sadly the vocalist died recently. I want to hear the album as soon as it comes out, for those who enjoy sounds like Porcupine or Antimatter with the touch of Ava Inferi that's something you can't loose. The song also present in their first EP is called Black Ocean

Sunday 6 November 2016

The Moon and The Nightspirit - Holdrejtek (2014)

Today, Yeah yesterday I didn't noticed I haven't prepared any new post to be aired . oops maybe

To compensate that, today I am showing you a different band with tones of folk, medieval and ambience sounds. A bit different around here.
The first Song is one of my favourites, is called Álomszövő, let your brain travel through this amazement

 The second one is called Égnyitó 

Saturday 29 October 2016

Poets of The Fall - Jealous gods (2014)

To end this trip on Poets of The Fall material, I present you the album which preceded Clearview, Jealous gods from 2014

It starts with power and strength with Daze, lots of Falsetto, but everything fits, the video is connected with the lyrics, pay attention

The second song is the self-titled , Jealous Gods, it fits pretty well here

The third song is rumours, It's about love destruction by others, check out, one of my favourites

The 4th one of the album is Brighter than the sun a fast and powerfull one

the 5th one, Love will come to You is an acoustic one, that is plainly beautiful, pretty, melodic, and the video simply majestic being so simple at the same time.

the 7th one is Rebirth which is soft, kind and gentle with a soft pace, one of my favourites

the last one I will show you is Choice millionaire, about how decisions maybe important, this has some political message behind, to act and react.

With this I end my Poets of the Fall marathon, let's see what November will bring to the blog.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Poets of the Fall - Twilight Theater(2010), Alchemy vol.1(2011) and Temple of Thought (2012)

From Twilight Theater I will show you three songs, all really emotional, probably the album with more emotion they have
The first song of the album "Dreaming Wide Awake" deals with the Death of a loved one and how life is joking with us

The second song of the album is "War", another song from Alan Wake game, about how our partner in war sometimes is nearer then what we think

The Last song I'm showing you from this album is the 5th one, called "Given and Denied"

From Alchemy Vol. 1  I want to show you "No End no Beginning", the lyrics are strong, I really loved this song on this best of.

From Temple of Thought, I want to show you the official track "Cradled in love". I think the first time we hear the Falsetto of the vocals Marko Saaresto

Next week the last album before the Clearview I already posted about, there we will go to 2014, see you there.

Saturday 15 October 2016

Poets of The fall - Revolution roulette (2008) and Alan Wake Soundtrack song (2010)

The album from 2008 has less so impacting songs, but we still have some to point up
We start today's journey with "Ultimate Fling", probably one of their earlier faster songs.

Follows the official video from this album Diamonds for Tears, more experimentalist, less direct, but with it they opened new sonorities.
the songs which ends this album is just marvellous, it's Called Where we draw the line, it's effectively and amazing song

As this album has few songs noteworthy, I will share with you the song that was on Alan Wake, a different video game, when you end it you will understand everything, until there you will be a bit lost. The Song is called "The Poet and the Muse", it's how a writer finds it's inspiration for the rapture of his loved one.

Next week a medley of their works of 2010,2011 and 2012

Saturday 8 October 2016

Poets of the Fall - Carnival of Rust (2006)

Today I bring you the second album form Poets of The Fall, Carnival of Rust

All the album is amazing, only the Drums changed for personal reasons from their first to this album.
It starts it great power with the song, Fire

The next song I'm showing you is the third of the album and homonymous song of the album, Carnival of Rust, amazing videoclip where you can see the passage of the drums in the middle

The third song I'm showing you is the fourth one of the album, another official video, and it's called Locking up The sun, more of a poppish sound but that doesn't make it sound bad, just different

The 6th one, King of Fools is an lyrically heavy song, really harsh and with the music following, one of those heavy feeling songs

The next one, the 7th is Roses, more soft that the last one does the optimal passage

Follows the 9th song of the album, one of my personal favourites if you have been paying attention, I enjoy emotional songs, and this has all I would need in a song, it's called All the way 4 you.

The last song I'm showing you is the 11th one, and it's called Maybe Tomorrow is a Better Day,it's kind of ironic song, It's a perfect song to end this post.

Next week we will have the 2008's album, see you there

Saturday 1 October 2016

Poets of The Fall - Signs of Life (2005)

Hey folks. New Month old material, isn't that what people say? no? well this month will be 100% Poets of the Fall based. Why? because I posted last month their late work, but is their former material which brought me to this amazing band. Some say they sound like Muse, I don't agree, may have some similarities here and there in the songs, but nothing else.

This week will be about their first album Signs Of Life form 2005

It starts with an amazing rock song, with what I would call some progressive elements at some points, here we have "Lift"

Next I will show you the third song from this album, "Late Goodbye" which is simply amazing, slower pace than lift, more progressive elements and change of paces. This song was part of the game Max Payne 2

Next we have, a in the sixth song of the album, "Stay", another slow pace song, more for a romantic type, enjoy

Now enters the song which brought me to Poets of The Fall, the 11th song of the album, illusion & Dream, the song makes us wander through our wake dreams

The Last song is a sweet song, like a going to sleep one to end the album, It's called Sleep, aafter my introduction who would expect that?

Next Week we will go ahead to 2006's album, see you next week


Saturday 24 September 2016

Dark Moor - Tarot (2007)

Dark Moor were always one of those bands which I always liked but never checked much of, however this album was the one which brought my attention to them. the album has this name cause it mentions the cards usually present in the Tarot.
This has some progressive touch but not as much as the one I posted last week

the first song I bring you is Star

The second one is the official song The Chariot

The last one is Wheel of fortune

Saturday 17 September 2016

Dark Moor - Ars Musica (2013)

I just found out now about this album, has a progressive tune along with a power metal feel, about the last king of Granada. Check it out.

Saturday 10 September 2016

Dance of The Mourning Child - The Fire Maple (2015)

Today I bring you something I find outstanding, once I shared with you Pyramaze, and there I told you Jonah is one of my favourite keyboarders around there. Here is the proof, Dance of The Mourning Child is his solo project. Where we can see him in full splendour. This song really brings the strength and fury of Winter. Is amazing.

Saturday 3 September 2016

Poets of The Fall - Clearview (2016)

Today I bring you the new single for the new album of Poets of The Fall, one of my favourite rock bands, with several songs with a touch of the progressive feeling. Hope you enjoy it, soon I will share with a post for album of them, you will like it.

Saturday 27 August 2016

Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane (2002)

Today I bring you my favourite album from Pain of Salvation, a lot of songs are just amazing in it
starting with the first song, which being small in duration has the progressive style in it, the facing of one growing to be something else: "Finding out at last that freedom is a state of mind"
is called of two beginnings, it's the first song
The second song is about meeting itself, thinking someone you saw is the one, but then realizing it was our former-selves we saw in the other person. This song has a touch of those old elements I talked last week, and adds some spokenword almost. It's called Ending Theme, cause it ends the searching realising he is not in love has he thought.
 Other I like a lot to is the 6th one, Undertow, here is a bit about loneliness and realising sometimes you need to try on your one, to try and to fail to feel how it feels, to feel real.

The fourth song I will talk about in this album is Chain Sling the 8th song on the album, this one talks a bit about denial, saying things and then trying to mend what's broken. And then the other says sorry is too late for that.

Finally  I will show you the 12th song of the album Second Love, where he denies love from now on, after a intense failed romance.

Remember that all here is my interpretation it might be wrong from what they want to say.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Pain of Salvation - Road Salt One (2010)

Hello metal fellas, sorry for not having post nothing in two weeks, but the heat was too much to be around the time enough to do something of interest. Today I bring you one album of a band which auto-proclaims itself as Regressive Metal, for incorporating older sounds in their progressive melodies. I first stumble upon this band because of the voice of Daniel Gildenlöw. This is the second Album I ever heard of them, and it is really worth it. I leave you with the first track of the album No Way

Sunday 31 July 2016

Karmakanic - Dot (2016)

One of this days in my suggestions appeared this band, a bit in a way comming from Steven Wilson solo works, Leprous or Tim Bowness, a bit somewhere between them

I don't know when the next post will appear, but it will appear, I don't have much time to post here with the quality I would like, even my time to search for things is not the same. But Sooner or later in August I will try to see what I have already posted and what other bands, mainly from progressive, and not only as you know here, I have yet to put here.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

LETZTE INSTANZ - Liebe im Krieg (2016)

As there was not that much to hear in last post, I decided to share something more with you this week, so today I bring you a German band, I heard this and I like it instantaneously. Is not the harsh like song you may be used to from germanic countries. I find it rather melodic,check it out:

Here the lyrics for this song
durch den Nebel hallt mein schrei
Ein kurzer schmerz, es wird so kalt
alles zieht an mir vorbei
und zieht mich in die Dunkelheit
halt noch immer meine Hand
die sich nicht mehr regt
mit dem letzten Bild von dir
mach ich mich auf den Weg

Weiß wie der schnee
mein herz es zerbrach
Dort unten am See
In finsterer nacht
Ich sehe dein gesicht
Auf wenn ich nun geh
Dein licht begleitet mich,
So hell und weiß wie der schnee

Vergißmeinnicht so schön es war
Es sollte doch nicht sein
Ich weiß nicht, was mit uns geschah
Zu spät nun, ich tauch ins Dunkel ein

Weiß wie der schnee
mein herz es zerbrach
Dort unten am See
In finsterer nacht
Ich sehe dein gesicht
Auf wenn ich nun geh
Dein licht begleitet mich,
So Hell und weiß wie der schnee (x2)

P.S.: The theme of this song made me remember how my friendship with a friend which makes her birthday today has gone through so much ups and downs, And it happen to post this on this day. Just a personal curiosity

Sunday 24 July 2016

The Unknown - Into The Unknown (2016)

There are not many the bands arriving from middle East, and the few who are are in black or death metal, at least the ones I know. Suddenly appeared on a facebook friend invitation someone from a band which I really enjoyed from the first time I heard. Directly from Iran I leave you with the teaser, sadly for now there is nothing more to hear, but as soon as it is I will recover them, they are like a mix from what you could expect from a mix between Antimatter and Amaseffer, it that is possible, I really enjoy it.

Saturday 16 July 2016

Ulver - Shadows of The Sun (2007)

This last posts were about Norwegians bands. Today we will stick once again to Norway.
You might probably remember me talking about the amazing voice of Garm present in Borknagar. The truth is a bit after stumbling upon them, I happen to found his former work. Now he is in a band called Ulver, It seems the band started in Black metal and is not in a more experimentalist way, The way they sound now is mystical in so many ways that gives me chills to hear it. I bring you a song from 2007's album Shadows Of The Sun, which brings a kind of a tribal sound to the music which I love it.

Saturday 9 July 2016

Ihsahn - Arktis (2016)

The reason for having shared now with you Ihsahn was the new release from Ihsahn, released in the first half of this year 2016, it's a album worth listening to. I live you my favourite, which counts with Einar Solberg from Leprous, called Celestial Violence

Saturday 2 July 2016

Ihsahn - das seelenbrechen (2013)

Today something different inside Progressive metal, from Norway suddenly we have been presented by a lot of good artists, and one of those arriving in first place to mind is Ihsahn, I stumble upon this album some time ago, and now it's time to share it with you. Stay with the lyric video for NaCl

Saturday 25 June 2016

Kissin' Dynamite - Generation Goodbye (2016)

Today I'm bringing you something more from power metal, than from progressie, the first song I heard from this band it was the visual of the vocalist that bring me more attention, a bit feminine I would say, but immediately after one recognize his enormous voice.
The first song presented was Hashtag Your Life, a critic against social dependence of hashtags and how it controls your life

But then appeared a song that made me addicted to this band, called If Clocks Were Running Backwards, amazing voice and everything fits perfectly, check it out, the album is out July 8th of this year 2016

Saturday 18 June 2016

Riverside - Love, Fear and the Time Machine (2015)

Today I bring you one of the great bands from the progressive Rock, Riverside. I'm hearing riverside since a while back, but this last album was just perfect for me full of melody. And started hearing it even more after hearing Piotr Kozieradzki passed away. For this album Love, Fear and the Time Machine I leave you Discard your Fear, just a great song. Enjoy

Saturday 11 June 2016

Heavenwood - The Tarot Of The Bohemians (2016)

Today I bring you a song from the last Heavenwood album The Tarot Of The Bohemians, The reason I made I made the posts about Redemption and Abyss MAsterpiece,was to prepare you to this one. Here for you to enjoy this amazing Porto's band. They seem to have return in full strength

Saturday 4 June 2016

Heavenwood - Abyss Masterpiece (2011)

This is the Album from 2011, from the Porto's band Heavenwood from Portugal, I just adore them. The sound as something of dark atmosphere, along with lots of melodic sounds. Enjoy.

Saturday 28 May 2016

Heavenwood - Redemption (2008)

Redemption marker the return of Heavenwood after 10 years of stopping time, and their return was just amazing, full of strength, quality and nerve.
There are a lot of songs in this album that deserve attention, I would put their sound in Doom/Gothic Metal
The first song of the Album is great in all aspects great composition, amazing lyrics, and the vocals just fit, it is called 13th moon, it's quality show why it was the official video

The second song of the album is called Me and You, is not so dark of an atmsophere as 13th moon but has also its enchantments

The third song, it counts with Jeff Waters from Annihilator, and it's called Bridge to Neverland is my favourite on this album for several reasons, but I think being one of the heaviest it's what makes it so special

The 5th song has Gus G. from Firewind as guest and it's called One Step to Devotion

Another song I really enjoy from this album is Obsolete the 7th one from the album, with Special guest TIJS VANNESTE from the belgian band OCEANS OF SADNESS

Saturday 21 May 2016

Mezarkabul(Pentagram) - Unspoken (2001)

As an album this is my favourite one from Mezarkabul, Sadly lot of the songs on this album are not available at youtube, but one of the best is, Lions in a Cage, seems like the time when kings had to be put in isolation to learn their way without external interference, so they could be harsh and heartless.
Another songs you should check are In Esir Like an Eagle, Unspoken and For Those Who Died Alone

Saturday 14 May 2016

Mezarkabul(Pentagram) - Anatolia(1997) and MMXII(2012)

Today, I know they are not so progressive as that, but they have some touches of it in their songs, they are Called Pentagram in Turkey but as there is already other Pentagram band, outside of Turkey they are known as Mezarkabul. Today I leave my favourite songs from them, which are both in Turkish

Sonsuz from Anatolia(1997), close your eyes and let yourself submerge in this sound

and gecmisin yuku from MMXII(2012) more elaborated but not much interesting

Saturday 7 May 2016

Psychotic Waltz - A Social Grace (1990)

Today I bring you history, this a song directly from the beginning of the 90's what a song this is.
The 90's have something in it's songs that really amuses me.

Saturday 30 April 2016

Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance (2006)

Today I bring you my favourite Album from Katatonia, as you may have noticed I'm a huge fan of dark sounds, and this album brings just that
The first one of the album, Leaders, has a dark feeling we get over leader who are worthless of our trust
The Second one is Called Deliberation, Here we feel the life circles of love and hatred.
The third one is Soil's Song, here yet feels like fighting the darkness inside, release the glow of our innerselves
And it ends with the darkest song for me, and there is something It seems to be about betrayal, but it can also be someone who died, the part "Are you strong when you're with him" this him can be a god or major entity

Saturday 23 April 2016

Katatonia - The Fall of Hearts (2016)

The new work from Katatonia seems to be amazing, in advance Katatonia revealed this song, I soon became addicted to it, the darker atmosphere from Katatonia is well visible

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Long Distance Calling - Lines from Trips Album (2016)

Today I will share an enormous song from an album which will be released this month April, And it fits here a Progressive metal/rock style, with ambience sounds. Long Distance calling, for you.

Saturday 16 April 2016

Opeth 4th part - Pale Communion(2014) and song from Ghost Reveries(2005)

Today I bring you to date their most recent album Pale Communion, From here I can only share with you their official video from this album, Cusp of Eternity, As I don't know this album that much to advise you in which or not to hear, just didn't want to not post this one

To compensate my lack of knowledge in this album, I will go back in time a little and share with you Isolation Years from Ghost Reveries album from 2005, in this song you can now feel the loneliness of the woman present

Saturday 9 April 2016

Opeth 3rd part - Watershed (2008)

Today The highlights are on my Opeth's favourite album, Watershed, This album as almost two parts one before burden and other after burden, the first part more heartly soft and more musically harsh, the second one clearly more sentimental. Around the net it's said in the process of composing Watershed, Mikael lost someone dearest to him which committed suicide, and from there Burden appears, the next songs are than a bit darker in emotion then the ones before. It's this mix that simply amazes me in this album

The first one is Coil, this one is a really calm song with some emotion in it

The seconds one, third in the album I want to show you it's called Lotus Eater, It alternates between musically heavy sound and some more symphonic

The next one, it's obviously Burden, the full version, you can feel his sorrow on the whole song even in the music

The last one I will show you it's Porcelain Heart, in comparion to Coil, Heir Apparent and Lotus Eater, this one is musically less heavy but emotionally darker, as I mentioned in the pattern before.

Saturday 2 April 2016

Opeth 2nd part - Damnation (2003)

Today I bring you the 2nd part of my Opeth post, today from Damnation album there are three songs I would like to share with you
The first one of the album Windowpane, I think it has all the elements in progressive metal.

The 2nd one of the album In my Time of Need, this one is more dramatic a lot more emotion and feeling in it

The last one I want to show you it's called To Rid the Disease, 6th of the album, simple as amazing it's treating a bit the dark feelings as they were a disease

Saturday 26 March 2016

Opeth 1st part - Still Life(1999) and Blackwater Park (2001)

Today I bring you one of the biggest bands in progressive metal, after making the presentation with Storm Corrosion, now I bring you the main band from Mikael Akerfeldt, Opeth.
Their sound until recently derivated between some heavier and some melodic sounds. , I skipped some of the very early albums, but check them, it's really good, I just have to adjust the time I have.

From Still Life I chose a song called Face of Melinda, It make us think about several stuff, and is stupendously well made

I choose those albums from their early fase for having some of my favourite songs
From Blackwater Park I leave you the two Patterns in the Ivy parts, one of which, the first one is instrumental, this two songs are beautifully made

Wednesday 23 March 2016

ProgCenter - Storm Corrosion - Storm Corrosion 2012

Greetings my friends from metal, from progressive metal or rock or just music fans in general, welcome
Today I bring you a mix of two wonderful worlds, more properly the genius of Steven Wilson from Porcupine Tree and several other projects, and the voice and musical quality of Mikael Akerfeldt from Opeth. What arrives from here is what one could expect if we merged Porcupine Tree or some Steven Wilson's solo album sound and we mixed it with Opeth more in doom/progressive sound. What result is a really heavy atmosphere of immense sounds and pleasures.
I live you the song which they made an excellent animated movie to, you can sense what is sang along the music, Drag Ropes
This is my way to introduce the world of Opeth, which will be the next band I will talk about, what kind of progressive metal would I be without mention Opeth? for  this I once again posted something on Wednesday. Saturday the first part of Opeth Post.

Saturday 19 March 2016

Borknagar - Winter Thrice (2016)

Today I bring you something a bit different, I stumble upon this album almost by accident, somewhere between progressive metal and some heavier sounds, for me in the exact same measure for it to turn from amazing to a masterpiece of excellence.
The first song it first we doubt what it's worth but then we realise it's a great one

However, their official video song for this album is even more amazing, with the same name as the album Winter Thrice we feel the strength of the Winter it's cold ways. I'm addicted to this song.
Sorry but probably in the next times I won't be able to make two posts a week as before, in other way it's also good to give you time to hear the things I post properly with no rush at all. Only when I have a unique song to show you I will share with you at a Wednesday. See you around next Saturday

Saturday 12 March 2016

ProgCenter - Myrath - Legacy 2016

Hello fellows which can't stay without hearing new things, today I bring to you the new album of a band I talked already here, Myrath. The new album had a crowd-funding to what enable the band to do a video(for me it turned out a bit lame in some points, but the idea is interesting remembering Prince of Persia theme.
The first song is the official video released for the new album, Believer, there we see clearly a meshup between occidental and more traditional sounds

However is the last released one which attracts me more, cause not only the progressive is present with a subtle touch, all the sound typical from middle east metal is also there. check it out, Nobody's Lives

Wednesday 9 March 2016

PowerMetal - Leverage - Circus Colossus 2009

Yeah it's right, finally a post in a Wednesday, the reason is simple, to make the transition between progressive bands I always try to post something different so in the next progressive band you will be more ready to hear it properly. So Today I bring you Leverage from Finland, this band is for me, in sound, what we can expect coming form power heavy metal, a song of emotion, meaning. This one talks about being stuck to someone, someone we love, someone we thought we loved but the fact is we are stuck in that person. as the song says:
 The wolf's growling in my soul
Screaming let me out

From Circus Colossus, Wolf and the Moon, can't say if the album is good or not as I never heard the album as a whole, but this song is surely great to hear if you're in power metal

Saturday 5 March 2016

ProgCenter - Leprous 3rd part - The congregation 2015

Last year, Leprous released a masterpiece, even more inside progressive metal, with some really heavy moments in some of the songs, but the sound even more refined than in The Cloak never hesitating in experiment new things and new sonorities.
let's start with a strong song not only musically but also lyrically, the Slave, it's open to interpretation but for me is clearly a warning to new slavery system we have today, we have the screaming part near the end which fits a moment of despair in the lyrics

The next song I am going to show you is a live version, but so strong, Rewind, I adore this song in so many ways. The need to turn ourselves free, this one filmed by me, it's not that well filmed but you can hear the whole song, sorry for the column ressonance, but it was a bit to close

The third song is called Down, having some similarities with some songs of Coal, it evolues in a clearly distinctive way, this one for me talks about the need to reassure ourselves when everyone tries to put us down. Lyrics that seem simple say so much. as it says

Off the edge
I have been thrown

All that I've known

the last song is my favourite from Leprous, it's called moon we almost feel what this moon is feeling towards the song, never a Witcher background made so much sense as in here.

With this I end for now my Leprous post, hope the waiting was worth it, it's not needed to say this is my favourite album from Leprous, and I own the three of them it's in my mobile phone some of the songs from this album

Here are some of the bands I will talk about in a recent future
Amorphis, Circus Maximus, Sabaton, Opeth, will talk once again about Myrath and there are also another cool things I'm hearing which I will share with you. see you around next Saturday.

Saturday 27 February 2016

ProgCenter - Leprous part 2 - Coal 2013

Hello those few people who end here like by a parachute, welcome. This is the second part of my Leprous post, today I bring you the 2013 album, Coal
Here we see a clear difference in the way the music is made more long songs, more elaborated, more I would say kissing in some songs the frontier between rock and metal and in other a more agressive style. The voice of Einar Solberg is even more evident here than in Bilateral.

First I show you the official video chosen for this album the Cloak, this song gives me goosebumps everytime I hear it, it alternates more strong moments with other more soft.
the second song I decided to share with you it's called The Valley, here a more harsh song I would say, less melodic than the last one

If Bilateral was a good album this one is far beyond amazing, and it's obvious that my next post will also arrive only in the next Saturday with 3rd and last part of my leprous post, until there check another songs as Chronic or Foe, or others from this amazing album, which are just as amazing

Saturday 20 February 2016

ProgCenter - Leprous part 1 - Bilateral 2011

Finally I found some time to share with you one of my favourite bands, One I had the lucky to see live in 2015, Leprous. Pure progressive metal, because that is the main essence of this blog. In the 2011 album, Bilateral, we find a more harsh progressive metal, harder, less refined as their recent material. Here I present you Restless, where you can experiment what I said, more strength than you will experience on later works but in other and the guttural part was yet to appear. If you remember another progressive band from Norway called Circus Maximus you will find in the sound some similarities.
In the second music I want to show you is one the most used by them live, called Acquired Taste, different from the first one. I already heard this album a few times as I own it, and it's amazing
As I want you to hear this band properly, there will be no new post Wednesday in this Leprous series of posts.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Progressive metal elements - Lords of Black - II (2016)

Today I bring you a band more near to power metal/power progressive, Lords of Black, a band from Spain maybe the first I talk about here on my Blog. and the main reason to that is Ronnie Romero the vocalist which was also recently invited by Ritchie Blackmore for Rinabow's new album, but better than me talking, let me show you "Everything you're Not" his voice clearly remembers Jorn Lande in their best fase. Check out

next 3 posts, one a week will be from the same band, one of the posts I wanted to do since the beginning of the year, stay tunned

Saturday 13 February 2016

The Unguided - Lust and Loathing 2016

Sorry pals, once again couldn't find the time to make some of the posts I've been wanting to do for quite some time, is still some bands I'm willing and wishing to post here, but I want those posts to be with proper analysis not just some drop stuff.
So I decided to share another cool band with you, Unguided, born from the Ashes of what once was Sonic Syndicate, but for me with all the stuff Sonic Syndicate lacked, pure energy, sounds awesome, check by yourselves in their new song: enraged, the album is still go come out, let's wait till there.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Headspace - Your Life Will Change 2016

Once again I bring you a project of someone I already talked, Damian Wilson, the amazing vocalist from threshold and with participations in Star One for example. A pure progressive song, totally in metal, Damian's voice is easily recognized, this song buitls itself in every audition
And also use this band to once again do 2 posts a week, let's see if I can keep this pace
The album is yet to be released it's one I'm waiting

Saturday 6 February 2016

Sleeping Pulse - Under The Same Sky 2014

One of this days a bit after I made my first Antimatter Post, I stumble upon a band not only with the voice of Mick Moss from antimatter but also the musicians from Painted Black, a mixture of dark voice and doom musicality, the stuff I really like obvisouly with progressive in it, I was really amazed, I have to listen better this album, but coming from Luis Fazendeiro from Painted Black and Mick Moss I only expect something amazing
The video which came out, War, enjoy, while I prepare my next posts, This song gives me shivers is the best I can say about it.

Saturday 30 January 2016

Antimatter 2nd part - Judas Table (2015)

Recently I participated in a web music contest in a forum I'm in and decided to use Antimatter, sadly during the Semi-Finals, Prophecy decided to put the video private and I lost needing to recur to an awful live video, between other awful live videos taken with toasters lol from the back of the room, full of zoom

So back to what it matters, Judas Table gives us a life lesson, how many might have been using you till today, how you value someone who doesn't deserve, imagine you being at table with some friends/family and all of them stab you in the back... well that's the meaning of the album name

From start Black Eyed Man, this song talks about how some peoples lie constantly to your face without knowing you know they are lying, and as they ignore it they continue lying to you, then if they think they can go ahead with lying to your face, what else are they doing in your back? be carefull

Lastly Stillborn Empires, How some people problems arrive from birth and how they grew, and how that influences their lives, the part "It was a business doing pleasure with you" says how a sex act is only a business doing such things inverting the usual saying

Saturday 23 January 2016

Antimatter 1st part - Early Fase - Lights Out(2003) and Fear of a Unique Identity(2012)

Today I bring you one of my recent pleasures, Antimatter
Antimatter has unique sound along all their albuns which came from 2000 till today, it is a one man project which invites as needed some other musicians to join him.
It's pure progressive rock, with some metal influences here and there.
The sound has several changes and paces, if you like progressive rock/metal you can't miss it by all means possible

I will start with Lights Out(2003) and Fear Of a Unique Identity

From Lights Out I leave you the selftitled song and the last music from the album Terminal, as we were a terminal patient waiting for something is simply marvelous.

From Fear Of a Unique Identity I leave you the first song, Paranova. But please listen everything of them it's worth it, mainly Leaving Eden from 2007.


This is The kind of Sound to hear with ears fully open. 
Wednesday there will be no post for you to embrace Antimatter, and then Saturday, the second part of this Post

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Metalwings - Crying of The sun 2015

As I want you to have time to listen properly the last three albums I showed you, I decided to go a bit softer this Wednesday, before posting some stronger stuff in the next weeks. So on this Purpose, i give you Metalwings from Bulgaria, another different country from the regular metal ones, I wnat this Blog not only to be a stream to show you some stuff that might be passing you by, but also to be kind of a musical trip around the world, visiting culturally as many countries as possible.
Never before Metalwings have I found a Lead vocalist being the Violonist also, it resembles me a bit of Ava Inferi. Check it out with a interesting violin solo

Saturday 16 January 2016

Les Discrets - Ariettes oubliées... (2012)

Once I shared with you Alcest, today I will give you another band from France which happens to have the same on Drums on of Alcest elements, Winterhalter. Ariettes Oubliées has the strength of electric guitars in contrast with acoustic guitars in a interesting dance of who wins the front at any point. I trully sugest you to listen the all album cause it's certain, I almost guarantee to you, that you might find something you will become attached to:

The first one I will share with you is the official video from this album with the same name, Ariettes Oubliées

The second music is my favourite the point where electric guitar gives space to acoustic guitar is just magical, just a beautiful cadence this Aprés l'Ombre

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Mono Part 2 - Rays of Darkness (2014) and the Last Dawn (2014)

There were another albums I could have chosen to make this second post like To my Parents from 2012 for example, but I decided to go with this double album for one simple reason, it's the one where there are more differences, the sound gained a darker and stronger atmosphere, o  Hymn to the Immortal Wind the sound resembled us the pureness of snow, the white color, now the Black, the darkness gain more strength, but with that the band didn't lose their energy and quality, it's just a change in the way they were following
Rays of Darkness and The Last Dawn (Double album, 2014)
From Rays of Darkness I leave you one of the most heavy songs I know from them, more connected to Metal then anything they have, Recoil, ignite

From The Last Dawn I leave you, Where we Begin, another marvelous music in sequence with some of the sound we heard in Follow the Map.

Saturday 9 January 2016

Mono part 1 - Hymn to the Immortal Wind (2009)

Greetings as I was making my last post, I checked I haven't talked about Mono so far, And tough for those Who might no get my references on Aesthesys post, might get them here
I had the luck to be in a concert of Mono in May 2015 and it's just an amazing trip around the emotions and feelings, which feels so good.
Their sound I would say has a rich environment, with something to be given to the listener. This album has a soft tone in it, some tunes that will be resonating in your head forever, if it has the same effect it had in me
but enough of words, which I can't find to properly define the majesty of this Japanese song, some of the songs are the most beautiful I ever heard. The magic of Progressive on it's best

Starting with Pure as Snow, here play live at Holy Ground: NYC With The Wordless Music Orchestrain 2010

An then my personal favourite, Follow The Map:

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Aesthesys - Crossing The Shoreline (2010)

Greetings musical dependents like myself.
Today I bring you something I just found some days ago. They are called Aesthesys and come from Russia, I don't know many bands from Russia by the way. But I'm glad I found them. Their sound makes me resemble a bit what Mono did in "The Hymn of The Immortal Wind" and being this Mono's album from 2009 and this Aesthesys album from 2011 I believe might have been some influence from the Japanese band on this Russian band.

The song I will share with you makes me resemble at certain points the song "Follow the Map" from Mono
The song is called Sailing to Byzantium, enjoy:

Sunday 3 January 2016

Nhor - Momenta Quintae Essentiae (late 2015)

Hello my musical friends. I hope 2016 has begun has joyfully as possible.
I know I promised 3 bands, I haven't forget them, but Suddenly a new album appeared that instantly caught my attention. The new album from Nhor is something beyond exceptional, a mix between Progressive, classical and doom metal, most of the songs are just so beautiful which make me lack on adjectives to characterize it.

Nhor - Momenta Quintae Essentiae

So with no more time to be wasted I leave you with two songs from this album
First a small teaser

Than let yourself flow in the peacefulness of this song

This Wednesday, probably, I may not post anything cause I need time to prepare the coming posts properly, two of the bands I mentioned will be by parts again. From next Saturday until late February at least, I think I may be able to keep a good wave of posts. So stay tuned. And if you liked Nhor you can be sure I will comeback later once I hear more from past albums or some of the other songs appear.